The Eternal Protection Good Work Provides

Nicholas T Jackson
The Ponderer
Published in
4 min readAug 27, 2021
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Good work is an eternal blessing. It enhances progression. It shows life what we cherish most, provides protection, and helps us grow. The satisfaction of good work is unparalleled. If one does not know the specific purpose of life and wants to learn what it may be, you may find yourself already within its borders as you do good work. Cause at the end of this beautiful opportunity we call life. We come to a mortal end being a little more learned than when we started. Whether voluntary or involuntary. Being learned comes from the blessing of work. Not just any specific work, but the work that happens as we navigate life looking for true happiness. We cannot do it without it.

However, being learned is different from being wise. Wisdom is the resume from someone who has seen or experienced the blessings of acting on true principles. One could still learn from bad actions and mistakes. One must act toward good things in order to reap the wonderful consequences of eternal protection good work provides. However, before one understands the concept of eternal protection, they must first understand why someone chooses to work.

One could say someone might work for a variety of reasons. Someone could work for money. Someone could work for acceptence. Someone could work to bless someone else’s life. Some people even work to preserve life itself. These may all be different on the surface, but all these works have something in common. The common denominator of these four examples are connected with things that we cherish. In other words, we do not work for things that we do not care about.

Now you might say, “Hold on! I know a lot of people that work hard at jobs they don’t like doing. Whether it is working fast food, construction, or any other of the millions of jobs someone may work on.” And to that I would say, you are absolutely right! Some people may not like what they do, but they do it for reason. People who work for something, do so because they care about something in their life. They could care about things such as, putting food on their table. They could care about getting out of debt. They could care about the education of their loved ones. Point is, we as people only invest time and energy in something that is going to [by the end of the day] preserve something we care about. That is something that I am grateful for, because the opportunity to care helps me become a better person. Good work heightens my potential as a human being and I love that!

What eternal protection does good work bring?

Protection has to do with keeping something or someone safe. Yet good people receive injustices every single day. Injustices that do not make them feel protected. Leaving them with known and unkown anxieties alike. Anxieties that can last a life time. Where is the protection in life from that? Unfortunately, wonderful people who work hard for those they love are not exempt from hardship. Life has its way of including us in its struggles no matter who or where we are on the journey.

The protection I am referring to is more spiritual, rather than physical. After all, being good is something that can lead to a harder path. A path that gives us the gift of creating better character for ourselves. Character that helps us acheive goals. Character that helps us be kind even when it is the hardest to do so. Good character is something we can only seen through our spiritual eyes. It comes from understanding what being a good person truly is. Hence, the word “being”, being the action word that links good work to good character. Good character that can only be projected to the world as a result to those who have good hearts inside them.

What does good work protect, if not everything?

Well, It protects you from regret. It protects you from yourself in creating any unnecessary back-age. It protects you from a lack of knowledge. It protects your spirit by keeping it sensitive to the bad things in life so you always know which path your on. To sum it all up, it protects you from any form of damnation. Things that would stop you from progressing to a greater and better you.

If we die, how does good work create protection that it is eternal?

Something that is eternal lasts forever. I feel like as humans beings we neglect to believe in the concept of eternity because as human beings we do not last forever. We are not connected with eternity in the way that most people want to be. We eventually die and even though we die, time keeps moving forward.

Thankfully though, what we have done does not die. The good of what we accomplish lives on forever. If today I chose to help my Mother pay off her house so she could have her home paid off free and clear, would my actions become nonexistent just because I woke up to a new day? Does today change the good works of yesterday? Does your good work from one specific day of your life change years later? How about after you are dead? No, for it lives on forever. Unchanging in itself, rippling in time. Ironically, effecting change into those who wish and do their best to be good. For good is a principal that has been around before we born and it will be here after we are gone. For it is apart of the strands of eternity. When we put in the work to be a part of it, we create opportunities of good that last forever for those that walk after us. So do not forget! If you wanna change the world for the rest of time and all eternity, do good. It will be the best investment you will ever make.



Nicholas T Jackson
The Ponderer

I am a writer here simply to express my thoughts and outlooks on things that I have come to learn.