The Importance Of Seeking To Understand

We live in a world full of so much diversity.

Nicholas T Jackson
The Ponderer
4 min readFeb 15, 2021


Image by Reinhardi from Pixabay

We live in a world full of so much diversity. Diversity keeps us from choosing to love and uplift one another. Even in the country of the United States of America, which is where I reside, there is so much disagreement. It makes me feel sad. Everyone seems to be so caught up in their own opinions that it is causing a paradox of unrest and contention. As a result, it seems to be causing more damage than good.

Not to say that having your own opinion is not important, because it is. Having opinions do matter. Having an opinion indicates that you have passions that are important to you. Subjects that you want to share with the world. That is one of the things that makes the earth so beautiful. To be able to learn and seek from one another the truth. Not your truth, not my truth, but the truth. The eternal truth that happens to be connected with us by the way of interaction, cause, and effect in the universe.

As in all things, there is opposition. Along with having the truth, comes also things that could be untrue. I believe that everyone in the world has been influenced by both. That the information that resides in both you and me are both true and untrue. Now that spectrum could be 99% percent true, to 1% percent untrue, or vice versa. The belief I am sharing with you right now could be completely wrong. Of course, along with everyone else's opinions, I believe that I am correct in what I speak. Someone could think that I am wrong, which is perfectly okay. That is their freedom. Which is a precious thing to have.

That is not necessarily the problem. The problem comes from the WAY we try to solve the “wrong misconceptions” of others, to the point that they want to change their minds. In order to be able to change anything, whether physical or spiritual, we need to have a connection.

For example, if I punch a punching bag and I expect it to move, my fist has to make contact with the bag. If I want a particular profession, I have to be able to work hard and connect with it through learning. So what about people? What do we do then? Well, like the other examples I gave, the principle is the same. We have to seek understanding, because from my experience, it isnt the mocked, passive aggressive, “I am completely right and your completely wrong” mentality. I have not seen that worked once. But hey, I am open to the possibility that it has worked on someone.

With that being said, in order to connect with another human being we have to seek understanding from them. After all, our opinions are usually based off of things that we have experienced, either firsthand or secondhand. So the question becomes, What qualities come from someone who is trying to seek understanding from someone else? Let me lay out a few possibilities through some self reflective questions.

If someone was trying to understand why you believed the way you do, how would you see them do it? Would it be through name calling or would it be through words of genuine intrigue? Would they come across as a real friend or someone who passive aggressively does not really care? Would they listen, or would they just hear words expecting them to be stupid answers? Would you be able to feel their love for you? Not, an “I am going to save you from your lack of intelligence” claim of love. Regardless what you say, are they going to give you the respect that the goodness in your heart qualifies for? Do they speak to you like you should just automatically trust the information that is coming out of their mouth? Do they(believing that they are right) kindly invite you to freely understand and decide for yourself, whether or not it is true?

Think about the answers to those questions and answer one more from the context I laid out for you. Are you the loving, understanding person that you hope to be treated as? If so, I am glad. If not, do not worry. I am still working on it too.

Again, we live in a world of beautiful variety as human beings. We all think we are right in some form or fashion. Let us not forget that just because we are different doesn’t mean we cannot live together in harmony. We all have the chance to be wrong on at least one topic. At least!

So as we go from day to day, let us remember that the ability to change things comes from the connection we have to them. Both positive and negative. You do not need to agree to understand where a person is coming from. In order to invite people to partake in your beliefs of good ideas, opinions, and philosophies, you have to create good experiences with them. That is the door by which the enter.

At the end of the day, people are going to think what they are going to think. However, at least you can say you planted a good seed and gave them an opportunity to change. You do not have to give up. Just make sure your always radiating kindness and goodness to the world.



Nicholas T Jackson
The Ponderer

I am a writer here simply to express my thoughts and outlooks on things that I have come to learn.