Top 4 Specific Reasons Why a Positive Attitude Can Help You! They’re real Simple!

Nicholas T Jackson
Nicholas’s Written Thoughts
5 min readJul 21, 2020

Hey, my friends! Today I wanted to share with you some motivation for y’all who may struggle with a positive attitude. I understand that it can be hard to have positive vibes in the midst of difficult times, but you can overcome them.

I came to the realization a long time ago that it is important for me to be aware of the harmful and negative things around me in order to keep me safe, but I do not have to hang out with them.

Having a positive perspective is something that I do my best to have even when it’s hard, so here are my top 4 reasons why it is essential to have a positive attitude.

1. It Increases Mental Health

Image by John Hain from Pixabay

Like everything else we want to become in life, -whether its a Blogger, Doctor, or Traveler- we need to believe in ourselves and where does that start? It starts with the thoughts in our minds! So if you had the desire to be more positive, the first thing you would have to do is think positively.

Yes, it may be a simple concept, but is it easy? Not Necessarily. Especially if you are someone who struggles with negative thoughts more frequently. But that is why being positive is so important to me personally because I do not like the feeling and the intrusion of negative thoughts. They can be quite damaging.

I remember times where I have been negative in my life and it sucked! If I was my own best friend I wouldn’t want to be around me. Some of you may know what mean.

Now full disclaimer, it is not as easy as flipping on a switch and now all is well. From my experience, it takes practice.

You need to feed your mind with good and positive information consistently in order to make it a habit. When you do your mind will become stronger. You will increase your skills as a problem solver and turn into a person that can succeed.

Positivity increases progress which increases productivity which then leads to success. This is no doubt the most important one on this list because your mental health is the foundation of becoming something great.

2. It Increases Physical Health

Image by joaovitorgomesdelima from Pixabay

Your Physical Health can be a reflection of your mental health.

Let me ask y’all this, have you ever had a purely negative thought reduce your physical stress? I have not! There have been countless times where I have had negative thoughts that to me made me look and feel sick. Weird right?

Sometimes I have felt sick which has triggered me to have negative thoughts and ended up making me fill worse. You probably know some people that struggle really hard with loving and caring for themselves personally and it shows physically in their health.

Again positivity leads to productivity, which leads to success. I realize that mental health is kind of the big brother to physical health because if you tell your mind that you are able to accomplish something your body will be much more willing to follow.

This enables the probability of success to be much higher because the body is being taken care of. That is why it is important. They go hand in hand.

3. It Makes for Better Relationships

Image by Bob Dmyt from Pixabay

No one likes a Debby Downer. Do you think that if I choose to be a negative person people are going to want to be around me?

I do not even need to be speaking, because everybody in some capacity puts out some sort of vibes, whether they be good or whether they be bad. For some reason, people can tell. whether its friends, family, or strangers.

The reason it helps personal relationships is that Positivity leads to success. Hint a successful relationship.

Now let me be clear, success comes from work.

If you have a positive mindset it does not mean that suddenly everything is going to fall into place and relationship issues will just go away. However, because positive people enjoy finding the light in the dark, they are the ones who have a higher chance of getting out of it.

4. It Helps You Succeed

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Having a positive mind leads to success.

I have never known anyone that had success at there goals by being negative. I know in the headline I put “it helps you succeed”, but I would even go as bold as saying you need positivity to succeed.

Having a positive mind allows you to find solutions to problems and trials that may arise and success comes from overcoming those trials, problems, or whatever else that comes along.

I know I have said already but it is important. A positive mind leads to success.

What to do Now?!

Now that you have read this you might be more aware or reminded of why it is important to be positive. This is why it is important to me.

Maybe your someone who struggles with being a happy and positive person. Maybe your someone who is trying to help another overcome negativity. Either way, the question is what do I do now?

If your struggling with being positive, that is okay no one is perfect. It takes work and practice. So just keep trying. I still practice every day to be more positive.

If you do not where to start, look for people around you and try to f ind those qualities that you admire and marinade yourself in them. Everyone loves a good marinade.

Remember you can succeed! You can overcome any trial that comes your way! Just remember there is Power in Positivity.

Originally published at on July 21, 2020.



Nicholas T Jackson
Nicholas’s Written Thoughts

I am a writer here simply to express my thoughts and outlooks on things that I have come to learn.