Why Are Goals Important To Make Consistently? Things You should know!

Nicholas T Jackson
Nicholas’s Written Thoughts
4 min readSep 29, 2020
Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

Hey, my friends! Goals are challenging and can be overwhelming. Here, I am going to share with you several points to why goals are important to make consistently. They are…..

  • Goals help us learn about ourselves
  • Goals allow us to keep progressing
  • Goals allow us to reach our potential
  • Goals give us everyday purpose


Goals Help Us Learn About Ourselves

Noone makes goals that they do not want to achieve. It just does not make any sense. Some of you are like…duh, haha. It is an obvious statement, but I say that with a purpose, because even though we make goals towards what we desire to accomplish, sometimes we do not achieve them. Why is that? What keeps us from achieving the things that we tell ourselves we want?

This is why I say that goals help us learn about ourselves because as we pursue the things we want to achieve, we end up learning things such as our capabilities, limits, needs, and much more. This sometimes leads us to never achieving our goals or at least realizing we need to change them to fit our needs. For example, someone may want to become apart of the criminal justice system and start doing all the necessary steps like school, internship, among many others. After hours of work and study they learn that the field they are going into is really hard on their mental health. As a result, they choose to rethink their goals to pick a profession that is a little more uplifting, but still as the interests of their heart.

This process is important. It does not mean we fail or are not strong enough. It allows us to reevaluate our goals and our lives in order to make sure we achieve what we want without losing what we have earned. After all, the last thing you want is to get down on yourself for not being good at something you thought you would be good at. You want to stretch yourself, not break yourself.

Goals Allow Us To Keep Progressing

When we make goals consistently, it allows us to keep growing and learning. Now, this is very self-explanatory, but it is very important. The importance comes from understanding the difference in our lives between when we are making goals and when we are not.

When we are not consistently growing and learning we can come complacent with day to day activities. This can lead to us to go backwards rather than forwards and give us feelings of a lack of purpose.

As an another example, you have probably seen this in people who have worked a standard 9 to 5 job living paycheck to paycheck struggling to get out of the “survival” rut. However, when you do make goals (whether big or small) you have something that you are working towards beyond just being.

By putting in the extra, small steps, you are allowing yourself to grow. Such as, a dollar in a jar, or an extra hour of work into your side hustle. As a result, you are slowly able to achieve more and thus, becoming more day by day.

Goals Allow Us To See Our Potential.

Have you ever looked at someone with their repertoire of talents, and stood in awe wishing you could do what they can? It is kind of weird how we know the possibilities of existing talents, but when it comes to ourselves we can become doubtful in our capabilities to get there.

Then there are those brave souls who start making goals to achieve specific gifts and end up realizing that they have a lot more potential in the talents they are pursuing then they thought they had. As a result(from my personal experience), it turns into a snowball effect, where you get to where you thought you could never go. Then realizing, even at your point of success, that you are capable of doing and achieving more.

Goals Give Us Everyday Purpose

Last but not least, goals give us everyday purpose. When we have goals that we are constantly pursuing, our days go from complacent survival to purposeful living. Our train of thought turns around from “I do not know why I am doing this” to now “ I know why I am doing this”.

Although having a purpose is a simple concept, it makes a huge difference. Purpose gives us satisfaction and even joy. Being able to wake up every day with goals in mind to accomplish is wonderful and exciting thing. It gives every day new opportunities and exciting adventures.

Even if it is hard, we can look back and realize that it is all going to be worth it. That is what goals can do for us and it is a wonderful thing.


Having goals invites some opposition, because we are stretching are capabilities. So be aware that it does not mean all will go the way we want, but in the end, it can worth it.

Do not forget to start off simply and focus on one major goal at a time. Just remember, small things turn into big things over time. Be patient and you will be able to accomplish anything you set your mind to.



Nicholas T Jackson
Nicholas’s Written Thoughts

I am a writer here simply to express my thoughts and outlooks on things that I have come to learn.