

In previous blog posts (BDD category) I’ve shown a liking
for SpecFlow for implementing my BDD-style specs (tests). One
of those posts
showed me using SpecFlow for specs closer in nature to unit
tests rather than acceptance tests — and this caused me avoidable problems

Unit tests are there to be read easily — you follow the
logic contained within a single method. The way SpecFlow works with its
reusable step definitions is not conducive to this — and when my specs failed
and I tried to work out what was wrong I found myself navigating massive step
definition files to follow the logic of a small spec.

At this point I had the scars to prove SpecFlow just isn’t
useful at the unit test level in most cases (SpecFlow source code shows great
examples to the contrary).

But what about BDD — what about English-language used to
describe my business rules that need to be checked and enforced in the domain
itself? Well…

Along came this blog
by the S#arp architecture
dudes (very smart boys) whose ASP.NET MVC stack I have been enjoying learning
from recently. They are using MSpec for their
unit tests because they want the benefits of BDD — even though their clients
are developers like myself. When reading that blog post the light bulbs were
going off in my head like a 90’s game show.


Right now I’m going to walk you through my methodology –
starting with my higher-level user story spec using SpecFlow and following that
up with my more granular, unit test-style specs (context specifications) with
MSpec (derived from the higher-level user story spec).

For this demonstration I started with the following:

  • New MVC 3 app called TheSandwichGoRound — using the almighty
    Razor view engine
  • New class library called Specs.Integration

NuGet SpecFlow

NuGet NUnit

NuGet MvcContrib.Watin

  • New class library called Specs

NuGet Machine.Specifications

In this silly example here is a feature file I dreamed up
and added to a folder called “features” in the Specs.Integration project:

Creating Sandwiches

order to satisfy my appetite

a hungry boy

need to be able to create sandwiches


Given I have navigated to the Create Sandwich page

And I have typed in a unique name

When I click Create

Then I should be viewing the details of my new

And here is the step definition, that when
successful confirms my product has the required behaviours (watch the tests
return “not implemented” and SpecFlow will give you the required definitions in
the output window) (my step file lives in a folder called “steps” in the
Specs.Integration project):




public class SandwichSteps


private const string Baseurl = @”http://localhost/TheSandwichGoRound";

private IE

private string

private IE


get { return
_browser ?? (_browser = new IE()); }


have navigated to the Create Sandwich page”)]

public void


Browswer.GoTo(Baseurl + @”/Sandwiches/Create”);


have typed in a unique name”)]

public void


SandwichName = “Olivitza”;



click Create”)]

public void




should be viewing the details of my new sandwich”)]

public void


string expectedUrl = Baseurl + @”/Sandwiches/View/” + SandwichName;





Being savvy, we first ensure that the tests fail to prove
the application doesn’t have this behaviour already and that we have set up our
specs correctly:


For completeness here is my controller implementation
(light-weight coordinator/skinny controller):

public class SandwichesController
: Controller


private static SandwichRepository repository;

public SandwichesController()


repository = new SandwichRepository();



public ViewResult


return View();



public ActionResult
Create(Sandwich sandwich)



return RedirectToAction(“View”, new {name =




public ActionResult
ViewSandwich(string name)


return View(repository.GetSandwichByName(name));



Above: Implementing the code for creating sandwiches
– the SandwichRepository doesn’t exist yet

I’ve implemented the “create a sandwich” spec (no unit tests
for my controllers — here’s
) but need to be able to save my sandwiches. I’ll need a repository for
this as ReSharper is going crazy at the moment — using TDD/BDD methodology I’ll
need tests for its behaviours first; essentially just unit tests in TDD or context
specifications in BDD. Normally with the TDD we’d just have a method using
NUnit. With BDD however, we can go with MSpec.

Adding the following class to the Specs project, represents
a context specification. The “empty-lamba” syntax has a few critics. But I have
made friends with them.

public class


public void


Sandwich sandwich;

Establish context = () => {};

Because of = () => { };

It should_contain_the_created_sandwich;



At this point, I can build my application without
implementing any of this spec. If I download the source code from and install
the TD.NET test runner, when I run the tests in the Specs project:

— — —
Test started: Assembly: Specs.dll — — —

Repository CRUD, sandwich repository can save sandwiches

should contain the created sandwich (NOT IMPLEMENTED)

passed, 0 failed, 1 skipped (see ‘Task List’), took 2.21 seconds (MSpec).

You can now see for yourself that the practice of writing
all your specs before any code can be facilitated by MSpec — and…we get these
nice little reports in lovely ENGLISH language

To then implement the step I need to:

  • Establish context (arrange)
  • Do an action — Because of (act)
  • Declare my expectancy — It (assert)

Repository CRUD”)]

public class sandwich_repository_can_save_sandwiches


static Sandwich

const string ValidSandwichName
= “Olive Le Fabulos”;

static SandwichRepository

Establish context = () =>


sandwich =
new Sandwich(ValidSandwichName);

= new SandwichRepository();


Because of = () => { repository.Save(sandwich);

It should_contain_the_created_sandwich = () =>


Completing the Story

All happy that the context specification (unit test) passes,
the user story (higher-level spec/acceptance test) can be complemented by
adding a view. In a real world scenario, this process may yet derive further
context specifications — which will all need to succeed for the user story to

At this happy moment, refactoring or checking in can occur.


How’s that project coming along? Depends on who’s asking. If
it’s a client or management then we show them the report generated by SpecFlow
(you can learn how to do that in the last 3 minutes of

What if it is fellow developers asking for progress on a
framework or product you are working on? We can go one better than what the
console runner tells us, we can use MSpec to give them something groovy like

Above: MSpec reports for our context specifications –
for developers, using developer terminology

If you install MSpec via NuGet then you need to grab a copy
of mspec.exe from
if you want to be able to product some fancy HTML reports.

Conery explains how to set up MSpec reports
I’ll not repeat him.


For many of the big guns in software development BDD is the
ideal way to collaborate with clients and to specify exact behaviours of their
system before a line of code is written. In the .NET world, SpecFlow is a great
example of a tool that can facilitate these needs.

With unit testing, however, the focus needs to be on
isolated chunks of code — you need to look at the test and see exactly what is occurring
in fine-grained detail. Additionally, you want to give your unit tests
structure, and you still want to focus on the behaviour of code. The familiar
AAA (arrange, act, assert) pattern can be formalised using context
specification tools like MSpec — allowing you to focus on behaviours and
keep your tests localised.

In both scenarios, the tools chosen allow us to be more
organised by writing out our specs first and getting not implemented results.
There is potential here to reduce mental juggling and get ideas converted into
specifications whilst not switching total focus away from the current task.

To conclude, I’ll remind you that I am taking an evaluative
approach: whilst SpecFlow works great at the UI/Integration/Acceptance test
level, I am yet to take MSpec for a real test run — I might hate it — my
colleagues may hate it. The
S#arp Arch guys seem to be happy with using it in this way
. It would be no great
shame to have standard NUnit unit tests. But if we can improve — then let’s do



Nick Tune
Strategy, Architecture, Continuous Delivery, and DDD

Principal Consultant @ Empathy Software and author of Architecture Modernization (Manning)