#MalabarSpice — Behind the scenes — pornography, some important facts …an avowal

Anu Sadasivan
nicle mind
Published in
5 min readJul 11, 2015
  1. The definition

Prostitution is the first ever profession that is known to mankind. Porna — means prostitute and graphia means documentation. As per definition, its nothing but filmed prostitution. This another profession in which you does not require much of past experience. For new comers, its an on the job training and experience.

2. The maths

We all should be thankful to this industry, as this industry is the basic reason for development and evolution of the internet the way we see it today. Globally, porn is a $97 billion industry, according to Kassia Wosick, assistant professor of sociology at New Mexico State University. Between $10 billion and $12 billion of that comes from the United States. The undisputed King of internet porn porn-hub net worth is 34 million in 2012. Mofos, Reality Kings, and Bangbros put together is over 50 million USD turnover. Total hits to porn-hub is more than that of Netflix or BBC videos. Sunny Leon net worth is over $3 million as of March 2014; Though we are crystal clear about her vital figures, we need to see whats her new net-worth after we embraced her in Bollywood. Kamal Khan is a funny guy, he termed this process as ‘making black actress to white actress’ as in black money to white money.

3. The Scuttle truth
What do we see in porn; its not about healthy sexual communication; its all about male domination over woman. If we were ask for porn, then what is sexual? In every main stream porn gallery you would see a rape category next to abuse, humiliation and crying category. 90% of the time what porn is showing us is sex with no authentic desires. Authentic desires such as caressing, touching, kissing, cuddling, making out. Porn camera has no interest to capture sensual activities, No.. no.. what porn cameras into is the “penetration”. Normally, the posture is a man and a women (hopefully just one, one man and one woman — one to many and many to many have been catching up the trend in the recent past). His penis is inside her, don’t be picky, does not matter where inside, somewhere inside her there is a penis; His penis is somewhere inside her. In order to not to block the camera that is capturing the extreme close up of the penetration, he will standing little back giving way to the camera and she. She will be in the most uncomfortable position, she need to handle the penis inside her without damage her hair or make up, without altering his aggressive movement, more over without blocking camera. We see two people having sex where the only part that is touching each other is the penis and the part being penetrated” explains, an Israeli social activist in one of his talks.

4. Who watches porn? .. some shocking stats

As per statistics gathered by google trends, Pakistan tops the max number of searches for porn. In India Maharashtra tops; some statics around state wise porn searches in a month —

data source — google trends — in the order of viewership

Maharashtra: 823,000; Delhi : 550,000;

Karnataka: 368,000; Gujarat: 246,000;

Uttar Pradesh: 201,000; Tamil Nadu: 201,000;

West Bengal: 165,000; Madhya Pradesh: 135,000;

Rajasthan: 135,000; Punjab: 90,500;

Kerala: 74,000; Haryana: 49,500;

Bihar: 33,100; Uttarakhand: 18,100;

Odisha: 18,100; Jharkhand: 14,800;

Assam: 18,100; Himachal Pradesh: 12,100;

Goa: 9,900; J&K: 9,900; Meghalaya: 4400; Arunancha Pradesh: 500

They say that, men watch all the porn materials where female nudity is shown and gay men watches all the materials where male nudity shown. Really ? sortedd.com has conducted the this social experiment in Delhi — you may want to think otherwise after watching this video

5. Latest in the news

Porn-hub announced their new sexploration venture to produce the first pornographic movie in the space and estimated to be over 2.8 million. VP Operations Corey Price has confirmed that the fund will be raised by crowd-funding. So far collected over 200,000 USD in 27 days. Eva Lovia and Johny Sins are the chosen sexonauts being now trained with help of ex-astronauts. “honeymoon” soon going to be literally a reality when they could land on moon. I have donated $50 towards the noble cause, not sure if i get 80C exemption for this charitable work. Since I do not want to promote it, I am not putting the link here — i will leave that with you folks for googling it down.

Only about 70 male actors to 10,000 women; $20 billion porn industry under threat in Japan — reported by TOI in May 2015. :Japan calling ninja fxxkers to save the ceasing industry. Comments in TOI page for this news was hilarious. Most of them promoting India as outsourcing destination, asking this to outsource to India, some comments about their P sizes. What i could understand from these comments is that, boys in India thinks that sexual performance is all about a long penis and eternal erection. This is something that we do not naturally posses; it can have an adverse effect on a healthy married life.

Prostitution is no ones childhood dream, its always a result of trouble and distress. By watching porn, you are taking part in creating a demand for filmed prostitution. If I watch pornography of black, older women, somebody is going to go out and pimp black older women. Asian minors? Somebody is already trafficking Asian minors in order to film them. The sex industry just chews them up and spits them back into brothels, into hooking in the street, escorting, massage parlors with happy or unhappy ending depends who you ask.This is the whole spectrum of prostitution. So many of them do not even make it to the age of 50. Drugs, STD, being murdered by a john, a pimp, a boyfriend and another reason is suicide.

Watching porn (non addicted) on a moderated amount itself can harm the way you think and behave. If you want to test that, watch Gazals, motivational speeches, classical music, just any genre of music etc at this time to see how it changes your day

Thanks and Regards

Anu Sadasivan

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Picture/Video courtesy : http://agreekisland.com/, youtube, vime
Disclaimer — this write up has no intention of promoting pornography in any way.

