nicle mind
Published in
5 min readDec 8, 2015


Breaking News: Intolerance and anti-intolerance mob are from the same community!

Well let me, like many other ill-informed twitter and Facebook users, try to write something on the national biggest “dispute” — intolerance. Wow, I feel so comforted now, after all, how can I be tolerant of this very intolerance within me that was so strident to write something on the very intolerance, so finally here I am. To begin with, the whole concept of intolerance gyrates around: one, killings of Narendra Dabholkar on 20-Aug-2013 in Pune, Maharashtra. Govind Pansare, on 16-Feb-2015 in Kolhapur Maharashtra (died on 20-Feb-2015) in Mumbai Maharashtra, M M Kalburgi on 30-Aug-2015 in Dharwad, Karnataka and Mohammed Akhlaq in Bisara Village UP, two, FTII row, three, Shah Rukh, Anupam Kher, Aamir Khan statements and the latest PVR National Anthem Issue.

So people retorted, left coined intolerance, Bhakts and the right devised anti national and go to Pakistan. The media wrote articles on these incidents in particular and intolerance in general. I checked three well known media houses on their on-line news, each website had around 20 articles on a single page (when seen on a laptop) per day and on an average 3 out of those 20 articles were on intolerance, so in last 60 days, there were around 3600 articles on the first page of their websites (all three put together of course) and out of those, 540 articles were on Intolerance. Most of the articles were on the data they got from social media, like how there was bout on Shah Rukh Khan, how Anup Kher, Raveena Tandon and aamir Khan reacted and then how they were trolled. Almost all those who reacted (both left and right) belong to the same community — social media, dominated by Facebook and Twitter.

It is learnt that a good number of those trolls and anti-national, Go to Pakistan pronouncer's don’t even stay in India, they are NRIs! — It is like, I am telling (from the US) my elder brother in India to leave my father’s house because he is not taking enough care of my father. Dude please do not misunderstand your transfer of Dollars, GBP, Dirhams etc. back to your Indian Bank Accounts as service to Nation.

There is other breed who thinks talking against the Govt sounds more intellect — after all we are a nation where Inception was watched just because we did not, sorry couldn't comprehend it, and we are strong believers of Stand against the tide because? Sorry we don’t know! Theory. Typical charters of these breed

*Happy to tell that we don’t know regional languages, it’s almost down market to know regional languages. Oh what da fa dude,

* We don’t like Sachin Tendulkar and also share more news of Football and Lawn Tennis.

*Firm believers of “India will never change da”

I would like to believe that major lump of that social media users are from Corporate sectors and those users hardly know and comprehend the real picture, because, for them Election day is a holiday and this is not a general statement — In 2014 General Elections, the three urban Bangalore constituencies namely South, Central and North recorded voting turnout of 55.69%, 55.63% and 56.5% respectively, these are the constituencies with highest number of software professionals in India, with 87.67% literacy rate. Many of the urgings on less turn out were again put on voting ID card and missing names in the electoral database — bhai we had five years to get these issues mended or were we waiting for some last minute remedies by the Govt (something like irctc tatkal?) though it is erroneous to link literacy rate to voting percentage, below is the data (from 2014 general election) to prove that there is no relation between them

but the point is — only literates constitute Twitter and Facebook users, so while we can read, write and share political articles on these sites we are firm believers in not voting, Ajeeb hein — We don’t know who our local corporator is, and for that matter we don’t know why Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagar Paalika has a Congress Mayor when the largest party voted was BJP, we don’t know that the Bangalore Electronics City comes under Bangalore rural constituency, when we have garbage issue we don’t know under whose responsibility does this work come — MLA or Corporator or both and why not MLC ( oh is there something called MLC? wow), wait, what does DC do then? DC — you mean District commissioner or District Controller? Whatever, those IAS folks da, and haan the other day that dude was telling something as Tashildar yuck how outdated the name Tashildar is! Anyway what does he do?

Twitter active users in India are 2.2 crores (1.69% of India Population), and Facebook users in India are 11.2 crores (8.6% of India Population) and I am sure that almost all 2.2 crores twitter users are active on Facebook but chill I am not going to subtract that 1.69% from the total!, so even without that subtraction the sum total of Indians using social media is 10.29%. Now if I, for argument sake, arbitrarily consider 50% of this 10.29% reacted on intolerance, it would mean only around 5% of Indian population reacted for or against Intolerance. When 95% of India population doesn't give a damn about Intolerance, looks like, The Nation doesn't want to know — whether there is Intolerance or there is Tolerance (knock knock Arnab and Sardesai)

I am sure to an extent of over confidence that a major chunk of those 5% users who reacted on intolerance don’t have answers for the above questions ( May Google help them), so how crazy is it to comment, share, like, retweet, favourite, troll something that we don’t really know! We like, retweet, troll anything about GST bill just because it sounds complex (hence intelligent), It is definitely not surprising if I claim that most of us don’t even know it’s Good and Services Tax Bill. Now you smile chi kalla

Anyway let me agree that every non-voted Indian however politically challenged he or she may be, still has the “right” to express his/her views on Social Media but the point is we don’t even know what does that “Right” mean in our Constitution. We need to either read loads of political books (difficult I know) and not mere online news articles or do the easiest thing (like we do on the voting day) — Just Shut Up!



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