Happy (in)Dependence Day — Read to know how much the world owes to India?

Anu Sadasivan
nicle mind
Published in
7 min readAug 15, 2015

Happy independence day to all my readers, viewers and well wishers.

I titled this post as ‘happy dependence day’ to let you know the long list of inventions and discoveries of our culture, presently credited to some one else; If we start claiming royalty for all these (as we have evidences to prov), the world will be completely depend on us and this land is will be the richest. It is India’s big heartiness that letting it in the way it is.

Taroor uncle (Sasi Taroor) was making news in the recent past about claiming back what Britishers have taken away from India. I suspect if we need to go that path, what if they claim the stuff they gave to us or created here in India. I agree that whatever they have given and created in India was not for welfare of the country; but what if british want to claim back ? ….. gr……for example…if they want take away the railway …ooofh….

Even before British arrived India, this IP (intellectual property ) theft started. Albert Einstein once said “When we Europeans lived in darkness, there was one country which was fully lit. Lit with the knowledge of anything and everything that you need to know in this universe”.

Trying to go through the list to prove that how great was/is this country.

  1. Are-thematic or geometric progression

In ancient India, Vedas and Mantras were chanted using are-thematic or geometric progression. The velocity of chants and breathing patterns is always been using an are-thematic progression; this is when European's did not even started counting beyond 3 digits.

2. Metals

European’s claimed to have discovered Copper, Brass, Tin and Lead in in AD 1500, where as there are mantra praising these metals in Yajur Veda written 5000 years ago.

3. Color of light and speed of light

World believes that Sir. Isaac Newton has discovered the 7 colors of the sunlight — wrong; Vishwamitra maharshi has written about 7 rays of sun god in thretha yuga. Also it is not Newton who discovered that ‘light travels’. “Oh Lord Surya, you can send the light at the speed of 2222 yochana per half second; hails for youSayanacharya has written in his book in the pre-historic era.

3. Gravity

Earth attracts the solid materials in the space; whatever it attracts, it is bound to fall on earth surface. Like this other planets and stars and natural satellite attracts each other. When solid materials can fall on earth surface, then where will these planets and stars will fall into — when they force of attraction is equal and nullified?” — Bhaskaracharya has written this in AD 1148 in his book “Sidhantha Shiromony”. It can be found in the 6th chapter of section “Bhuvanakosam”. “what the apple” is Newton talking here ? Just sit under an apple tree and read Bhuvanakosam …is it ?

4. Le Chatelier’s principle

Henry Louis Le Châtelier OR Karl Ferdinand Braun; both of them claimed to have discovered this principle; In short the principle says — whenever a system in equilibrium is disturbed the system will adjust itself in such a way that the effect of the change will be nullified ...Le Chatelier must have read lot of Geetha. Geetha says ‘whenever righteousness (dharma) declines, world will change itself (i manifest myself) to bring in balance of dharma (equilibrium)’.

5. Thakshashila and Nalantha

The concept of education and knowledge sharing was first introduced in India in 5th century BC by establishment of Thakshashila, the first ever university known to human being. More than 50 subjects were taught by Indian scholars and over thousands of students from all over the world were blessed here. Later Nalantha university founded in Nalantha in modern day Bihar for the same purpose.

6. Charles Darwin and Yogasastra

Pathanjali Maharshi has written Yogasastra in 12th century based on the carbon dating test performed on the available fossils of the text. ‘evolution is the law of nature’ written in his ancient text.

Darwin’s theory — Life begins in water (Matya avatar in yogasastra); later by evolution, these water animals started moving to land — turtles and frogs as per Darwin. From kurma (tortoise) it evolved into smaller animals. Varaha avatar represents smaller animals in yogasutra. over the period of time smaller animals evolved into become to a near human or an ape like animals. As per Patanjali narasimha (half man half lion) is the next avatar. As per Darwin’s theory eskimos are the first even born human race; Yogasastra talk about the next evolution as Vamana, the dwarf avatar.

7. Father of dinesan

I have read somewhere that Gandiji the father of dinesan; Likewise, world consider Hippocrates as the father of the medical science. Its is repeated 117 times in his book that he has learned the medical science from the texts from Charaka and Susrutha, who should be father and uncle of medical science?. World Health Organization has given universal medicine status to only one compound — that is H2O-water; It is clearly described in Yajur veda that only medicine that can be given to any decease is water. The new medical technology ‘quantum healing’ is based on the ‘Susrutha Samhita’ written by Susruta in 700 BC. Surya namskara can give exercise for more than 100 movable joints in human body. As per federal law, there must have chapter about meditation in all the medical text books published in US.

Value of Pi, Pythagoras theory, circumference of circle, rectangle triangle, earths rotation and revolution, chemistry principles, surgery, anesthesia … all these discovered in this subcontinent — the list is never ending; some how i have obsession with number 7 and hence limiting it here.

I want to script down what Sadhguru, Jaggi Vasudev said about meditation; He said he is going spent his time and money in united states for next few years, as he want to teach Americans the importance of Yoga and Meditation. He gives a reason as “When i go to any rural village in India and talk about yoga, no one seems to know, what i am talking about; But if I ask for coca-cola, even toddlers know about; When i go to any cities in the world (not only India) I see men and women wearing Blue denims which is original labour’s uniform of united states”. “If I can get America to meditate, My half job is done’ — he concludes.

As a country we go through many problems and difficulties; According to United Nation’s Millennium Development Goal program more than 27% Indians below poverty line; Even if you own a BMW, you will take same amount of time as that of Maruthi to cross silk board junction, never ending corruption and scams; non safe cities for children and women again, the list is never ending.

What do you do when your mother is ill? Do you make fun of her in your house? Do you go to another house and keeps on talking and bullying against your mother? Do you stand with people who talk against your mother?.. you DO NOT … then why do you do the same with your country?

As sons and daughters of this land its each one of our responsibility to fix the stuff that is not working, instead complaining about it; You may ask what can you do? .. to start with can you stop throwing trash on the roads for example? any single step towards betterment helps, however small it is;

Best Regards — Anu Sadasivan

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