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Totally Nerd Ing Out

Nicole be Thinking
Nicole be Thinking
I started this blog when I graduated from high school back when everybody had a blog… Nicole be Thinking (and its readers) was like one of my best friends for seven years. I’m leaving this here in case anyone wants to have a reunion.
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Nella Larsen — Quicksand

Throughout the novel, Helga digs herself deeper into a hole as she relentlessly pursues fulfillment. Satisfaction escapes her and she can’t figure out why. Much of her discontent is a result of a failure to “fit in” anywhere. Such is a common problem of biracial people, or the tragedy…

A Crash Course in the Parts of Speech

A while ago, I pointed out that the main problem with a lot of writing is incorrect usage of commas. Of course, once I said THAT, I started noticing other problems that could be THE main error plaguing English writers and speakers. During Camp Nicole, as I tried…