Is Digital Marketing DYING

Nicole Parmar
Published in
3 min readJun 4, 2019

Has the time has finally come?

Everything we know about marketing and advertising is going to change.

Whats Changing?

New solutions. New technology. Artificial intelligence. All of these are going to effectively mark the end of how we digitally market. Consumers are starting to change their online behaviour as well. Advertisers and brands need to stay ahead of the game.

But what is the reasoning behind the quick decline of digital marketing?

How can businesses, brands, and marketers change their thinking and start the prep work for the new digital age?

If you’re nervous about the end of digital marketing, don’t be. We’ll cover the causes behind the change and what you can do to stay afloat in your particular industry.

Why Do We Think Digital Marketing Is Dying?

There are several reasons why digital marketing is starting to die. When it comes down to it, people really don’t read ads online or watch ads on television or streaming services anymore.

Our reality is — no one want’s to be interrupted!

Think about it.

We fast forward through ads on the TV. We install ad blockers on our browsers. If you call someone on their smartphone or try to reach them via text and they don’t recognize your number, they’re not taking that call and they’re deleting that text immediately.

LinkedIn Is also feeling this pain. “Professionals” Are now spamming you in your LinkedIn Messages. It used to be a safe spot. Now, not so much!

Used to sending email ads? They’re probably going straight into the junk folder. Using pay-per-click ads? They’re likely not very lucrative, as consumers are not clicking on ads anymore.

The way we’re using the internet and technology is changing, and consumers are fed up with traditional digital ways of getting them to purchase your products or services. They’re interested in innovation and app-based services and products.

What Do We Do?

So what will replace digital marketing, and how can one stay on top?

Let’s take a look.

Tips for Staying Ahead at the End of Digital Marketing

There is one big element to marketing that will never change: Consumers and end users need to not only look at your brand but engage with it. This is how viewers become customers.

Without Marketing We Are Used To, How Can We Achieve This?

Developers are already looking into this.

Essentially, we need to familiarize ourselves with the basics of JavaScript frameworks and libraries to find powerful and simple ways to add interactivity and animation to applications. These include React and Vue.

Companies who utilize modern technology to make their product websites feel more like an app are getting ahead of the game. The faster, more customized, and better a website is across all devices, the more consumers will pay attention.

Many companies are still far behind when it comes to staying on top of new technologies in marketing, so it’s vital for your company to pay attention to new innovations in the marketing realm. It’s also vital to learn about frameworks in order to quickly integrate new technologies into your current marketing plan.

What do you think about the changes happening to marketing and advertising in 2019? Tell us how you plan to stay afloat with your marketing plan in the comments section below.

Photo source: Pixabay



Nicole Parmar

I write about marketing, A.I, the blockchain technology and real estate.