The Blog Has Moved

Nicole Murillo
Nicole’s Blog
Published in
1 min readApr 26, 2016

This isn’t the first time the blog has been moved around and probably…well, to be honest I really hope it’s the last move, moving a blog isn’t that fun.

View of the Metropolitan Area in Costa Rica

Previously the blog was hosted in Postachio but unfortunately that service, with it’s only benefit of being able to write my post on Evernote, doesn’t appear to be really going anywhere, despite being a paid platform, so I decided to move to another platform that does appear to be going somewhere. After doing little research, because honestly I have been devoting too much time to my home network, I decided to go with Medium as the new platform.

During the move, which apparently can take between an hour to 3 days, somethings might be missing and might suddenly reappear the next day. So bear with me…not that I get too much traffic to my blogs and hopefully I start getting a bit more traffic now that I have some more material to post.

So changes are happening and it’s fun…



Nicole Murillo
Nicole’s Blog

[ Feminist | Queer Trans Woman | Technical Consultant | Infosec | Fan of Vinyl Records and Film Photography ]