O' Flame

Passion Love Almighty Romance

Nidhi Gupta
Nidhi Gupta
1 min readJul 16, 2016


Be the flame

keep it alive

Feeling of unusual

not to confine, wish

to explode or

something more

Passion & Romance perhaps.

Eternal love like

beautiful fire grows

& glows,

enlighten your heart

but out of control.

Surfing on waves in

high & low.

Flame has penetrated

too inside, transformed

& continues to burn.

O' my Almighty

my soul in

living fire of love

with tremendous desire,

refreshes it with the

glory of divine life.



Nidhi Gupta
Nidhi Gupta

NatureLover. Dreamer. Writer of Poems by Nature which brings light to my nerves to put sensation to words. Music of Rain makes me HigH.