A Boat Load of Updates

Jordan Nielsen
Nielsen Kazoku
Published in
2 min readMay 29, 2016

(Originally posted Jan 16, 2016)

Your T-shirt’s are here!

We received our first shipment of t-shirts and they turned out great! For those who were able to order in the first batch, you will be receiving them within the next week. We ordered some extras as well (about 30 t-shirts), so you can still place an order and join the coolest t-shirt club.

Home Study Completion and Next Steps

Our home study is now complete! This week we wait for our home study document to be edited and signed by Choices (our adoption agency in Victoria). While we wait for them to edit that document we are feverishly in the process of gathering all of the forms and papers we are required to gather for our dossier to send to Faith International (our adoption agency for Japan). We hope to have everything ready to send by the end of the week.

Things are moving quickly!

The Journey Has It’s Ups and Downs

We had a bit of a scare before Christmas when we received word from Choices that we may not be able to go immediately into the Japan program. Faith International had sent word that they were no longer accepting Canadian applicants. This news put a bit of a damper on our holidays.

But that is not the end of the story (because that is too simple). We received an email from Choices that they are accepting 5 more families into the program and that we are in a good position to be one of those families. Woohoo!

Prayer is always welcome!

We are working quickly to be in that group of 5 families still being accepted into the Japan program. This means putting together a lot of documentation and financial payments.

We ask that you pray for us to be diligent and detail orientated in this process so that no documentation gets sent back to delay the process.

Thank you all for your ongoing support!

