A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Power BI Dashboard

NIFTIT SharePoint Blog
3 min readMay 22, 2017

Dashboard is an essential distinguishing feature of Power BI service which monitors your most valuable data at a glance. A dashboard combines on-premises and cloud-born data. It provides a consolidated view regardless of where the data lives. There are several ways to create a dashboard. Here’s a step by step guide on how to create a power BI dashboard!

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Create a new dashboard

The first step to creating a new dashboard is using the Power BI service left navigation pane. You can quickly follow Microsoft Office Power BI’s guide as pictures below. Please take notice that this is an empty dashboard until you get some data or pin some tiles.

There is also another way that you can create a new dashboard by pinning visuals and images from a report. Watch this video below for references:

Work with dashboards

After having a dashboard, it’s time for you to move to the next step: Adding tiles.

You can create tiles directly on the dashboard. Select add tile from the menu bar then select which widget to add:

Besides creating directly, tiles can be pinned to a dashboard from Power BI Q&A, a report, another dashboard, Excel workbook on OneDrive for Business, Power BI Publisher for Excel, Quick Insights, and SRS.

A dashboard is more than a pretty picture which is highly interactive and customizable. There are so many ways to work and interact with a dashboard, that one article is impossible to cover them all. For example, you can create more than one dashboard or control the size as well as the menu of your dashboard display. Moreover, you can manage your dashboard access right and co-author a dashboard among colleagues. Here are a few suggestions if you’re getting started:

Design a great Power BI dashboard

Now that you’ve finished creating a dashboard and adding some tiles, the next step is to thinking about how to make your dashboard not only pretty but also functional. In general, that means making the most important information stand out, and making it clean and uncluttered. Therefore, this step requires you to learn more about best practice Power BI dashboard design. click here for more Tips for design a great Power BI dashboard.

For your later reference, here is a successful marketing sample which contains a dashboard and report from a manufacturing company named VanArsdel Ltd:

This blog is referring to Microsoft Power BI.”<https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/>.

Hope this blog help you understand more about Power BI Dashboard. Want more news about Microsoft Power BI in 2017? subscribe to our newsletter!



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