How to Stop Auto-Start Feature on Microsoft Teams

NIFTIT SharePoint Blog
3 min readDec 9, 2019


Once you install Microsoft Teams in your Windows 10 devices, the app will automatically launch when you start the computer. However, if you want to use your computer but don’t want Teams to start with Windows 10, you can disable this auto-start feature by some very simple steps.

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Disable auto-start feature in the app

First, go to your Teams Settings:

Then a pop-up of the app setting will appear, and you can stop the auto-start feature of Microsoft Teams by unticking the button “Auto-start application”.

Another tip to disable Teams from automatically launching is right-clicking to the Teams icon on your taskbar, then choose Settings -> choose “Do not auto-start Teams”, and Teams auto-start feature will be disabled.

Disable auto-start feature in Windows 10

You can also stop the auto-start feature of Teams on your Windows 10 devices. First, open the Settings in your Windows 10 and choose “Apps”.

Then go to “Startup”, switch off Microsoft Teams and the app won’t start automatically in the future until you switch it on again!

You can also go to your Task Manager to disable the auto-start feature of Teams at the “Startup” tab, and right-click at Microsoft Teams to disable the feature.

It looks easy, right? But for some new Microsoft Teams users, it may take a while to disable the auto-start feature from this app. We hope this is helpful to you!

Read more: How to Migrate to Microsoft Teams

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NIFTIT SharePoint Blog

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