NIFTIT’s Most Popular Blog Posts in 2019

NIFTIT SharePoint Blog
4 min readJan 2, 2020


We at NIFTIT wish all of you a new year full of success and happiness. We want to express our thanks to our partners and friends who always supported us in 2019. To all of our clients, we hope to continue providing you our innovative and nifty solutions in SharePoint development.

And to our loyal readers of NIFTIT Blog, we will try the best to bring you more quality blog posts, tutorials about SharePoint, Office 365, and more. Here are our 5 most popular articles in 2019!

Goodbye, Skype for Business: How to Migrate to Microsoft Teams

Microsoft is finally starting to replace Skype for Business with Teams. For too long these two solutions have coexisted while offering the same main features, such as IM and calling capabilities. However, the switch to Teams is a move toward even greater connectivity, as it can be linked with multiple applications from the O365 stacks as well as with popular applications like Zendesk, Jira, GitHub, and major storage solutions.

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Markdown Web Part in SharePoint Modern Experience

Although it might not provide the customization of a Script Editor web part or source code editor, we can see how Markdown meets the Microsoft SharePoint team’s desire to provide additional tools that benefit end users. I believe Markdown is pretty easy to get accustomed to and that it provides great results when applied to specific content.

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SharePoint Modern Experience Page Layout Samples

This year has seen an enthusiasm from within the community and organizations alike in the adoption of the new SharePoint Modern Experience. After all, it makes sense — the interface is clean, professional, and responsive, and the time spent on page creation is minimized. The power users out there know that the Modern Experience is also mistake-proof for the most common end users, as little harm can be done to the site layout or visuals (no more destructive master page or page layout boo-boos!).

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Don’t Do Custom SharePoint Development

Out of the many (MANY) requests we receive to develop new features in SharePoint, I’m always surprised by how a majority of them can be met with features that already exist within SharePoint or the greater Microsoft Office 365 suite of products. As Office 365/SharePoint consultants and enthusiasts, we usually recommend integration and adaptation of the current existing tools as opposed to the development of a new solution as long as the current tools can answer the business requirements.

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Microsoft Released Static Data Masking for SQL Servers

In early November 2018, Microsoft announced the release of a Static Data Masking (SDM) feature for Azure SQL databases and SQL servers, which is great news! Previously, companies had to rely on external software for this since Microsoft only provided Dynamic Data Masking (DDM) capabilities for their cloud services. Let’s take a deeper look into this exciting new feature.

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What is your most favorite post in 2019? And what topic do you want in 2020? Give us your idea in the comment. And again, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Older Post: the hidden anchor tag in SharePoint online

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NIFTIT SharePoint Blog

NIFTIT is a SharePoint development and design agency in New York, Vietnam & Hong Kong, dedicated to empowering users through nifty solutions.