Artist feature: Little known NFT artists with a lot of affordable work to buy

Nikki Yeager
Nifty Art Review
Published in
5 min readMar 15, 2021
Images from prolific creator, N&P

So many of the new artists that come across my social media pages have one, maybe two, NFTs for sale. There’s a few reasons why I’m not interested.

#1, investment value is pretty worthless unless you’re already famous. Usually interest builds with subsequent releases and if you’re only planning on releasing one or two things, it’s unlikely you’ll ever build an audience. Unless, of course, your already selling your work for millions in physical galleries.

#2, I have no idea if I love your work or if you accidentally made something cool. Before I invest in an artists I want to see your style, not a single animation or image. I’ve found so many amazing pieces that I wanted to buy and then a second or third work is released by the same artist. Guess what? I hate it and now if I would have bought that first piece, I’d be invested in someone I don’t believe in. For example, when I was writing my piece about cool physical artists with NFTs available, I came across this amazing Dali-esque painting that was animated in a way that tickled my artist’s senses but also seemed like it’d catch the eye of #crytpoart lovers (something that can straddle that line is impressive). I almost linked to it until I looked at the rest of the artists work — not linked here out of kindness — it was bad. Like, five year old discovering collectibles and attempting to recreate cryptopunks with the original Microsoft paint program bad. How did his first work manage to be so tastefully animated and skillfully created? Literally no idea. But this is why you don’t buy from someone who only has one work available.

So here’s two of my more recent finds, love ‘em or hate ‘em, they give us a real sense of who they are.

*pssst* I love them or I wouldn’t include them.


I don’t know this person’s real name, but their IG handle is @obninsklive. In fact, I’m not 100% of this person’s gender at all, but I do know they have a style and their work is affordable. Affordable and plentiful. A lot of the NFT art I see has an offhand remark (“buy it or don’t, whatever”) that doesn’t let you in on the purpose behind its creation at all. Unlike that, this artist has hundreds of pieces on Opensea including a collection called “Russian Tales” that’s described right on the homepage:

Russian folk tale (until the 17th century, a fable, a tale) is an epic work of fiction of the Russian people, mainly of a prosaic, magical and adventurous or everyday character with a focus on fiction (definition by E. V. Pomerantseva); one of the main genres of folklore prose. All Russian fairy tales bear the stamp of ancient life, customs, orders. —

Some background on me, my in-laws immigrated to the US from the USSR as Jewish refugees, which is relevant when so many of these pieces touch on my family’s lineage. “A dream come true. collection #2–19 N&P” shows a couple on a train with the words “chelyabinsk — future” flashing in the center that reminds me of the hopefulness of people moving forward and moving on. Or just plain moving.

A dream come true. collection #2–19 N&P

Then there’s the little old lady holding the weight of her entire community, her entire environment, on her shoulders while a few nesting dolls wiggle around in the bottom corner. A bit on the nose, perhaps. But, man, can the modern woman relate to that little old lady or what?

Girlish dreams. collection #8–30 N&P

And then there’s this one with the clock spinning around and the heart in the bottom right pumping because I always like to make a nod to the fun pieces :)

Girlish dreams. collection #23–30


Same thing goes here, I can’t give you much background info on this artist. However, if you’re someone who appreciates art for the sake of art and not for the reputation of the maker, this person has dozens of works that speak for themselves with a very distinct voice.

I don’t really know how to describe this style either, maybe something like “90s album covers meet the digital world”? As per Twitter it’s more “///GOTHIC ERI JOHNSON MELTED WITH CRYPTOS///.” At first glance you can find the pictures of neon butts and neon beards being shaved, but look further and you’ll find some interesting, bizarre, imaginations that really make this artist unique.

For example, people dissecting themselves only to unveil… a banana?


Beneath the animated image of a greek statue munching on the symbols of modern society (hamburger, cracked iPhone, what appears to be a dime bag of weed), you’ll find this mash up of bodies with a high offer of about $20 USD:


I’d love to know more. Is this some sort of statement on transgenderism? The combination of male and female in a single body and the obsession of the public (hence the eybealls and iPhones) for people made of both, or opposite, genders? Or is it a negative statement on the author’s view of what he/she feels is grotesque? I have no idea. Despite being a great choice for quantity, uniqueness, and price point, there’s very little description from this Brazilian creator.

But here’s something form those of you not interesting in a philosophical conversation but who still dig this bright, acid-dream style. Just take a quick peak at this mildly NSFW animation (click on the link below if you want the real feel of the piece).


Maybe this is your style, maybe it’s not. But overall, these are artists with a distinct style and if you can’t afford mbsq or Osinachi, you can at least scoop up a few of these for the ETH in your wallet.

