Announcing the Launch of Nifty Gateway 2.0

Nifty Gateway
Published in
3 min readMar 17, 2020

The wait is finally over!🎉🎉🎉

Today, after months of cumulative work by the incredibly talented Nifty Gateway team, Nifty Gateway 2.0 is live.

We couldn’t be more excited to show you what we have been working on! From the beginning, our mission has been to bring mainstream attention to Nifties by making them accessible to anyone and everyone. Today, we launch the most important product on the journey towards that mission.

What is Nifty Gateway 2.0?

Nifty Gateway 2.0 is two things:


Nifty Gateway 2.0 is a centralized, USD based exchange for NFTs powered by Gemini custody. In this aspect, it works like any centralized cryptocurrency exchange, such as Gemini or Coinbase. However, until now, no USD based centralized exchange for NFTs has ever existed.

With the Nifty Gateway marketplace, you can put NFTs up sale in USD, and cash out the balance to your bank account when you sell them, with the same user experience you would expect selling something on StockX or eBay.

Currently, cashing out is only available in the United States, but international support is slated for launch as soon as possible.

You may still use any other feature of the Nifty Gateway marketplace internationally. Any user can also deposit NFTs into their account, and withdraw NFTs they’ve purchased from Nifty Gateway to any wallet.

Every Nifty Gateway user also has a public facing profile, with a profile picture, bio, and links to other accounts, which you can use to publicly show off your NFT collection.

With this product, the experience of collecting NFTs has been made fundamentally easier, forever. To start buying, selling, displaying, and trading Nifties on Nifty Gateway, all you need is an email address.

You may also deposit NFTs from other projects and put them up for sale on the marketplace — however, for the time being, we will be slow and intentional about which NFT projects we support, so that we can handle the volume, and deal with any fraud issues that may arise.



We will be working with prominent artists and brands to create exclusive collections of nifties that we will drop every 3 weeks or so. Below you will see a Nifty that will be on sale tonight at 8 pm.

We strongly believe there are a very large number of people who should and will be making NFTS that their audience can collect — they simply don’t understand the technology, and until now their audience had no easy way to access the NFTs they made.

This is why we couldn’t be more excited to unveil these two products in conjunction. We will be launching new exhibitions, which are NFT projects, approximately every three weeks, and we have content to show you that we could not be more excited about.

From the beginning, the mission of Nifty Gateway has been to get 1 billion people collecting NFTs — we strongly believe that this is, by far, the most important step we’ve taken in that direction.

Some of the world’s coolest, most important Nifties are going to be created in the short span of these next few years — stay tuned, everyone! 🎉🎉🎉

Gold Boombox, by Iconic Artist Lyle Owerko

To read more about Nifty Gateway 2.0 in the media, check out our articles in NY Mag, Bloomberg, CoinDesk, and the Pomp Podcast.



Nifty Gateway

Business Development Specialist at Nifty Gateway