Nifty Gateway is Opening Up!

Griffin Cock Foster
Nifty Gateway
Published in
2 min readSep 2, 2021


When we launched Nifty Gateway in 2020, we introduced the concept of NFT drops to bootstrap our marketplace and create moments for creators and collectors to come together. This helped jumpstart the NFT revolution and transform the NFT landscape that we all come to know and love today. Through our drops, and countless other services and experiences, we’ve been able to introduce millions of people from around the world to the excitement of collecting Nifties and establish NFT digital art as a respected and highly valued artistic medium.

Our community is everything to us, and over the past few months, we’ve heard your requests — for us to host outside projects — loud and clear. There are amazing NFT projects launching across the ecosystem and we want to bring them to you, our collectors.

In the very near future, you will start to see both the curated drops you know and love, as well as projects that originated outside of Nifty — “verified” NFT projects — offered on our platform.

A “verified” NFT project is a one that is not curated by the Nifty Gateway team, but that (i) we have verified to be created by the person or team who claimed to create it, (ii) meets our legal standards, (iii) and meets our basic smart contract standards. But as with all NFTs on our platform, we do not provide any opinion on the long term value or investability of an NFT.

Verified NFTs projects will get all the benefits of our scalable platform, including audited smart contracts as well as easy gas-free purchases, whether you choose to transact with a credit card, debit card, ether, or your Gemini Balance!

This transition will be rolled out in steps…

but we are so excited, we just couldn’t wait to tell you!

In the meantime, you can still expect high-quality NFT curation and artist relationships from our seasoned team of Producers, a broad range of accessible and diverse drops, and a constantly growing and evolving collector services team to help you get the most out of this rapidly shifting ecosystem.

Our mission is, and has always been, to get one billion people collecting NFTs. This will be the most important transition in the history of our company thus far in advancing that mission. Web3 is about vanquishing gatekeepers and giving creators access to as large an audience as possible. Nifty Gateway has already changed the lives of many creators and artists — with this, we can hopefully help change the lives of even more.

Duncan & Griffin

Founders of Nifty Gateway



Griffin Cock Foster
Nifty Gateway

Co-Founder @NityGateway. Making NFT ownership accessible to all!