Nifty Gateway Launches with Editional In-App Browser

Griffin Cock Foster
Nifty Gateway
Published in
1 min readJun 25, 2019

Nifty Gateway is delighted to launch a partnership with Editional, adding support for purchasing Open Sea Edition NFTs through Editional’s in-app browser. Editional has consistently impressed us with their focus on creating a fun, dynamic user experience, and the engagement among their users speaks for itself.

Editional is a social media NFT app, where any user can create a crypto collectible and other users can share it. With Nifty Gateway’s integration via Open Sea, any user can now buy a collectible posted for sale from Editional on Open Sea using only a credit card, and send it to their Editional wallet in app.

Nifty Gateway builds an end-to-end wallet platform and fiat purchasing mechanism for any NFT project that wants to open up their platform to a mainstream audience and let users get started instantly, without any friction.

We hope all users are excited to start being able to purchase Editional NFTs with just a credit card, and we will not rest until 1 billion people are collecting NFTs!



Griffin Cock Foster
Nifty Gateway

Co-Founder @NityGateway. Making NFT ownership accessible to all!