Your keys, your NFTs: Nifty Gateway now natively supports ETH wallets

Miguel Angel Romero Jr.
Nifty Gateway
2 min readFeb 22, 2022


The ability to connect ETH wallets to your profile, show off NFTs held there and use them as entry criteria in drops has arrived on Nifty Gateway!

Up until now, Nifty Gateway has only supported our custody system for buying, selling and storing NFTs.

Today we took the crucial first step to becoming a hybrid NFT platform — a platform that has a custody option for new users who are unfamiliar with crypto but also natively supports eth wallets for web3 native users.

We are incredibly excited about the new direction our platform is taking and we are pumped to unveil this first step to the world!

To view your NFTs:
Head on over to your NG profile — there is now a section labeled “Ethereum Wallets”. In this new view, all of the NFTs in your eth wallets will be showcased in their full glory!

Any new wallet that you connect to NG will automatically sync which means that NFTs held in that wallet will show up on your profile.

If you already have a wallet connected to your account, you will need to sync that wallet with your NG account to get your NFTs to show up on your profile.

To connect a new wallet or sync an existing wallet, head to Account Settings -> External Wallets, and click ‘Connect Wallet.’

You will see a ‘sync’ button for already connected wallets - click that button to sync NFTs you hold and get them to show up on your profile.

Read our help guide on the subject for more in depth instructions.

These NFTs are not just for aesthetics, your pieces will also be made available when listed as criteria to participate in future drops. This will make things even easier for all the users on our platform and allow their experiences to remain seamless.

This is the initial step in building out the first ever hybrid custodial/non custodial NFT platform, creating the perfect experience for new collectors and experienced collectors alike.

Stay tuned and Let’s get Nifty!

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