5 Ways To Become The MacGyver of Team Productivity

Gizem Nur Uzun
Nifty Blog


As much as we know that team productivity is vital, we also are aware it’s not easy. Different backgrounds, ideas, and work dynamics can often lead clashes, and as a result, it can affect the team productivity. While there are many ways to improve teamwork, I will walk you through the five essential ones that can make you the MacGyver of team productivity:

1. Enable Effective Communication

Communication is everything. Any team can benefit from scaling effective communication since it is the key to team productivity. Identifying the roles in a group, assigning the tasks and responsibilities can enable teams to communicate effectively. Sending out e-mails may not be enough to talk with your team; therefore it’s always a great idea to search for some other ways, including social networking and online collaboration tools. There are many project management software that can perfectly streamline communication between teams. Some organizations also try publishing an internal newsletter regularly, which helps keep everyone on the same page.

2. Execute Team Building Exercises

When they say “practice makes perfect” they aren’t wrong. Team building exercises are an excellent way to help team members break the ice and practice “team productivity.” These exercises enable organizations to build confidence among team members, encourage creativity, and team collaboration. “White Board Back To Back Drawing,” “Island Survival,” and “Zen Counting” are some of the best exercises that can create a productive work environment for your team. It’s essential to carefully choose these exercises based on the tone you’re trying to develop as well as the team members’ preferences.

3. Use a Project Management Software

Instead of spending dollars and hours to juggle all of those little tasks, your team can easily use project management software that can motivate team members to get real work done. Project management tools can streamline the entire workflow while providing you access to all your communication, tasks, docs, roadmap and files in one place. Alternatively, there are project management tools like Nifty which offers free membership. Effective project management can increase overall productivity, even more so with the right project management tool.

4. Automate The Workflow

Manual processes are time-consuming; however, using a variety of different tools often leads to information silos. Having all of your projects in one place is massive for project teams. Not only is it incredibly convenient when it comes to spotting information, but it also allows for faster, more reliable reporting and analysis. Automated workflow decreases processing time and manual errors while increasing efficiency and productivity. Project Management tools like Nifty combines planning, automation, and streamlining that can help your teams become the hero of team productivity.

5. Happy Work Environment

Applying these four ways will help you tackle down #5 since effective communication, productive teams and sound project management often lead to a pleasant work environment. When teams are seamlessly collaborating, accessing all the information they need transparently, and sharing feedback and analyzing reports in an automated platform, this will ultimately lead to success. And it comes as no surprise successful teams make a happy work environment.

If you like to share what would be the 6th or 66th way to become the MacGyver of team productivity, please drop a comment below. 🙌

