How to Transform your Agency Workflow with Nifty Project Management

Leveraging Nifty to deliver your agency projects successfully 🚀

Isaac Park
Nifty Blog
4 min readSep 5, 2018


Getting Started

Congratulations! Your team has been hired by Megacola to design the website for their new beverage, Bubblz!

As with any project, whether it be a website, an app, or a digital campaign, its imperative that the stakeholders and the creative team agree on what is to be built, and that communication between these parties is organized and seamless.

Creating the Project and Assembling the Team

The team owner or a team Admin will kickoff by creating a project for this website, named “Bubblz Website” on Nifty.

Creating a new project on Nifty and inviting members and clients.

An Admin (project manager) will then invite the team members who will participate in creating the website to the project, as well as invite Megacola representatives as Guests. Guests in Nifty are able to view all (but hidden) project updates via tasks & milestones, participate, review & comment on docs, as well as join in project discussions; allowing them to interact with the team and provide feedback as this project unfolds.

All team members and Guests will be welcomed in the project discussion of the Bubblz Website.

Defining the Project Requirements

The Nifty docs tool can be used to build out a finely detailed specifications document between the Megacola representatives and your team.
Tip: You can also use our built-in Google Docs, Spreadsheets, and Presentation integration to create and access these right from your projects.

There are two ways to create this document, each with their own use case:

  • A document can be created from project discussions. All members of the project are automatically invited to this document with the ability to view & comment by default.
  • If in the case the document may include information that is not relevant to everyone in the project, a document can be created directly in the Docs. In this instance, team members and Guests must be invited to the document manually.

Since this spec doc is asking for input from all team members and defines the project’s scope, the project manager elects to create this document from the General discussion. This document can still be referenced from Docs in the future.

Creating a specifications document from discussions that is shared with everyone and saved in Docs.

Structuring the Project

Now that the project specs are agreed upon, the project manager can begin framing the project in Nifty.

The project manager will begin in Milestones by creating 4 project Milestones: UX, UI, Development, and Testing. These milestones will be given individual start & end dates which can be adjusted as the project unfolds.
Tip: You can also create internal milestones that can be hidden from Guests.

Next, the project manager will go into Tasks. While some teams may elect to create specific Task Lists to adapt to their user flow, this team will leverage the pre-made New, In Progress, and Completed lists to track Task progress.

The project manager assigns tasks to relevant team members; the UX designer is assigned Wireframes, the copywriter is assigned Copy, and so on. These tasks are tied to their appropriate project milestones, that way team members and Megacola stake holders are able to see what tasks are completed and remaining for each stage of the project in the Milestones detailed task-view.
Tip: You can automate the assignment of team members to tasklists by assigning them directly to the tasklists.

Tying tasks to your project milestones.

Inside each task are descriptions to expand on the task details, subtasks to create task checklists, as well as a place to view activity to track the progress of tasks by users, date, and time. Nifty excels at keeping files and discussions tied to its respective place to keep ideas and feedback organized.

A Successful Project Completed

With the elite organization that comes with Nifty’s all-in-one project management ecosystem, the team solicits feedback and completes project milestones ahead of deadlines. The Megacola team is impressed with how easy the process was, and your team is popping their favorite carbonated beverages to celebrate yet another ahead-of-schedule project in the books.

Completing the final task to automate the completion of the milestones.

Creation is messy; Nifty is neat!

Get started with Nifty for free today! 🎉



Isaac Park
Nifty Blog

Operations & Marketing @ Nifty Project Management — Making project management easy, fun, and efficient.