How German IT giant Hemmersbach increased employee buy-in by 100% using Nifty

Nifty Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 11, 2019

Hemmersbach is a Germany-based Global IT services provider with more than 20 years experience. With over 4000 permanent employees in 40 subsidiaries, they offer IT & Sales services in more than 190 countries.

Multiple departments from Operations to Engineering and Marketing use Nifty at Hemmersbach.


The most used features are the Detailed View and Discussions. The marketing team uses the Tasklist Automation feature for assigning team members to campaigns based on their role. The Operations team uses Nifty daily for workload analysis and balancing. Their engineering team uses Nifty to automate their sprint progress based on task completions. They also use the Nifty mobile apps to stay up to date on their project, milestones, and task status on the go.

“Managing client expectations and communications effectively are key to a project’s success.” — Randall Davis, Executive Partner at Hemmersbach

Why Hemmersbach decided to manage their daily workflow using Nifty

When assessing tools for client and portfolio management, Nifty’s ease of use and collaborative environment were key decision-making factors.

Hemmersbach wanted a tool to manage their internal and client facing initiatives that would scale gracefully into an organization of their breadth.

How Hemmersbach uses Nifty to manage their timelines and expectations

For Hemmersbach, the most important value Nifty provided was what their Clients didn’t see. Milestones and tasks within a project can be hidden from clients allowing the managing members to further project initiatives while keeping public data more delivery-based for the stakeholders. Additionally, clients are able to join in on projects without much training, which means client buy-in into the management process is relatively seamless.

  • Hemmersbach manages its client initiatives by leveraging the Guest role in projects.
  • External project stakeholders can actively partake and review the project scope defined in Docs.
  • From there, the project Discussions serve as the stand-up hub for updates and feedback.
  • Clients can review and approve Tasks which upon completion automate the progression of project Milestones.
  • Sales & Marketing teams can then take action based off approvals and circle around with any relative data points.

“Nifty is a product that excels in many client environments. Its ease of use makes it a powerful tool for managing our client portfolio.” — Stefan Schmidt, Executive Partner at Hemmersbach.

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