The Essentials of Working Remotely

Samuel Goldstein
4 min readMar 16, 2020

Imagine being able to wake up late, walk to the bathroom, come back to your room without even changing your clothes, and sit down to start your workday. To me that sounds like the American dream. Not having to commute to work and wait for the railroad with all its delays, or stand on a hot, crowded, smelly subway car while someone is singing, and another is listening to music out loud. If I can bypass all that then I’m a very happy camper. Fortunately, there is a way to accomplish just that. It’s through working remotely. Remote working allows someone to work from the comforts of their own home. If they want, they can stay indoors and still be part of the business day. I feel like if that would be an option a lot of people would be signing up for it. With today’s technology and globalization, it is completely possible to make the switch and join in on the movement. For the past few months, I have been working remotely and it has been great. As long as I complete my workload on time my superiors are happy. As a person who enjoys being on his own schedule and complete the work when the time works for him, this is a perfect set up for me. Important aspects of remote work are:

1. The ability to create your own environment

As I mentioned above, being able to work while still in my pajamas is a dream come true. Obviously if I need to make a video call ill change the clothes that are seen on the screen, but I can dress comfortably without judgments while working. Also, I can set up my own workstation in the best part of my house, whether it be near a window or next to a wall. I can be as messy or clean as I want as well while playing music or sitting in silence.

2. Being on your own schedule

This is probably the biggest plus and minus to working remotely. For some people, the freedom to choose when to work and submit for deadlines can be the greatest gift. Having the ability to work at your own pace can ease the mind and take a lot of the stress of approaching deadlines. Unfortunately, it can also be the biggest curse. Its very easy to become lackadaisical to deadlines and start missing them. Sometimes it can be very beneficial if there is a live person standing over your shoulder making sure you get the work done. I way of making sure you never miss meeting remotely is though the remote tool Nifty. Nifty offers a milestones feature which allows users to serve as a visual project guide by automating progress status for all stakeholders. It offers 3 options:

· Timeline View: Through visualizing the milestones on a timeline, you can create team alignment around your project initiatives, phases, and sprints.

· Swimlane View: Intersects milestones with task lists to clarify project objectives for agile teams.

· Overview: It gives a birds-eye view across projects in your entire organization or portfolio inside Project Overview.

Through Nifty you can set up To Dos, In progress, Review and Completed tasks to stay on top of your work. These views you can easily collaborate with team members and make sure that you never miss a deadline or meeting.

3. Collaborating/communication

Probably the most important aspect of any business is the communication between all stakeholders. In any effective business all members of the team and company need to be on the same page. Nifty offers a great way to stay connected with all members of the project. They have chats which allow members to ping and message each other directly or in group formats. Its very easy to use and navigate. You can stay updated on everyone’s progress on their projects and offer helpful feedback. The discussions provide a space for your team and clients to share ideas, finalize specs, and turn discussions into actions. There is a page where you can share, store, and retrieve project files and assets to let your clients see and grab whatever they need without asking called project assets.


Working remotely can have great benefits. You can plan your days more freely and work from the comforts of your own home. You get to skip the commute and set up your workspace the way you like it. Working remotely can be the dream. Just make sure that your dream can be realized, and you can stay up to date with all your work. Nifty is perfect to allow you keep living the dream and work remotely.

