Top 5 Communities for Product Managers

Jeffrey Kagan
Nifty Blog
4 min readMay 17, 2020


If you love reading product management newsletters and blogs — then you know that there is a weak side on how relevant they can be. Often, you end up looking for case studies and more practical methods and tactics that can improve your work immediately.

Then you know how challenging that journey can be.

But this is where product management communities come as a lifesaver. Simply ask a question and hope that someone who has been there and done that — will save you hours of research. Also, being a part of an expert community is a great way to share your experiences, ideas, concerns, and issues.

Here are five product management communities — hosted on different platforms such as Slack, Facebook, Linkedin, etc.

#1 Product School

Product School is a tech-business school providing a different curriculum for the new generation of product management experts, including 20 schools on the global level and a broad product management community. Product School offers courses in digital marketing, product management, product leadership, UX design, data analytics, and programming.

What Product School offer:

A community with over 62,000+ product managers professionals will encourage your pursuit of a successful career.

Product School membership provides access to a community hub of hiring managers, tech professionals, and mentors. The Product School community has an incredible network of resources. In its Slack channel, the Product School CEO hosts the Q&A section and offers the possibility for career guidance and interview process support.

The Product Coalition

#2 Product Coalition

The Product Coalition is a organization. It is the biggest free product management community and publishes Medium’s leading product management online publication,

What Product Coalition offer:

The Product Coalition community has published thousands of articles on different product management topics. They have a live Slack channel where thousands of product managers exchange experiences, ideas, and issues daily. Also, community admins let you submit your content for publication on

#3 Mind the Product

Mind the Product is one of the product management industry’s most significant communities for product manager beginners, professionals, and experts. The organization’s vision is to help product professionals to achieve their goals together. Organizing a member’s meetups all over the world to encourage product-oriented managers to reach their do this today primarily through member meetups across the globe.

What Mind the Product can offer:

To access Mind the Product community’s various meetups in more than 175 cities across the globe, you must become a member. Also, you can submit articles to contribute to Mind the Product community. Other perks of being a member is a community’s daily product newsletter, and participation in Mind the Product’s Slack channel — one of the largest product managers channels in the world.

Product Manager HQ – Medium

#4 Product Manager HQ

Product Manager HQ is the world’s biggest Slack community with over 1,200 users, including product managers from Twitter, Facebook, and Slack. Hundreds of daily conversations on different topics create an excellent opportunity for anyone who wants to learn and share experiences with the expert community. Also, there is a Daily Digest of the best communications from the channel.

What Product Manager HQ can offer:

Product Manager HQ has over thirty community communication channels. As a member, you can get interview guidance in #pminterviews, find job opportunities in #pmjobs, and exchange software solutions in #pmresources. With your membership, you receive discounts on product tools and events.

Becoming a member costs $25 but consider it professional development.

#5 Producter

Producter is a product-led growth tool connecting product people worldwide by creating an open environment to meet and greet other experts. The Producter community is not only for product managers or product owners. It’s an inclusive community for people putting the product at heart.

What Producter offers:

The Producter community shares quality content on startups, product management, productivity, and many others. Community members find an opportunity to ask their questions, exchange ideas, and share their experiences. It’s a community of people of diverse backgrounds, so any community member can learn from others’ perspectives by obtaining feedback or asking useful product-specific questions. Invite link:

Final Thoughts

What is the difference between a good product manager and a great one?

Sometimes the answer is obvious: efficient frameworks, clear product vision, better interpersonal skills, etc.

Other times it is just a different perspective on an issue. Like a simple insight from an expert community that will ring a bell. And it will be enough for you to understand the problem and find a solution.

So, be open to constructive criticism and use your professional community wisely.

