Nifty Wizards Introduces “The Battlefield”

Nifty Wizards
Published in
6 min readDec 13, 2022
The Blue Bolt is your key to entry

Wizards have honed their skills in the Battle Training room for over two years now. Today it is time to put those skills to the test by joining the elite fighting pit known as “The Battlefield.” Only 250 blue bolts will ever be minted and they are currently the only way to gain entry to the room and have a chance to win prizes based on their ranking on the new Leaderboard. For example, the Wizard at the top of the leaderboard on December 23rd is going to win 30,000 DUST tokens.

Once inside The Battlefield, you can increase your powers by holding certain NFT’s. The newest of which is the Golden Buddha. Holding this golden God will allow you to meditate on the battlefield in order to recover magic points (MP).

The oh-so-shiny Golden Buddha

What’s so good about The Battlefield?

First and most importantly is the new battle bot named “NW Caster.” Whereas the Battle Training Room uses no less than 13 bots to keep the training going, NW Caster can handle all the jobs done by those bots and more all by itself. Along with handling the actual battle commands, the bot keeps track of several player metrics which are detailed below.

Experience Point (EXP) — Every successfully executed command will yield some EXP and every kill will reward additional EXP.

Health Point (HP) — The player starts with 0 health and has to execute a revive command to gain 100 health points (HP). HP will be reduced for every successful attack received and also from every negative effect like poison, etc. HP can be recovered using the heal command.

Magic Point (MP) — Wizards start with 0 magic points which will be increased in increments of 5 MP for every action that doesn’t consume it, up to a maximum of 100 MP. It can also be increased by holding the golden buddah NFT and using the meditate command. MP will be reduced every time the player executes a command that consume MP.

Character Status (ST) — During the battle, there are various weapons, tools, and animals that can be used to inflict status effects on the enemy. The effects are:


🩸 Bleed status will make the player bleed and reduce some HP per turn for several turns.


🔥 Burn status will make the player burn and reduce some HP per turn for several turns.


🤢 Poison status will make the player poisoned and reduce some HP per turn for several turns.


⚡️ Shock status will reduce the damage output of the affected player per turn for several turns.


😨 Fear status will make the player receive critical damage for several turns.


👻 Invisible status will make the player immune to attack for several turns.


💩 Distract status will make the player always miss their attack for several turns.

Core Commands


Use the /profile command to check your profile info, like exp, current health, inventory, etc.


Use the command /heal to regain some HP and stay in the fight for a little longer. Using this command consumes 5 MP and the effect is a random increase in the wizard’s HP.

Fighting Commands

The following commands are used to inflict damage on the enemy's you are battling.


Use the command /stab @username to inflict damage on an enemy. This command only works if the issuer holds a knife NFT.


Use the command /punch @username to inflict damage on an enemy. Use of this command recovers 10 MP per attack. This command only works if the issuer holds a fist NFT.


Use the command /slash @username or /slash #rupture @username to inflict damage on an enemy. Using the #rupture skill consumes 25 MP. If successful, rupture will make the enemy bleed for 2 turns. This command only works if the issuer holds a sword NFT.


Use the command /shoot @username, /shoot #rain @username, or /shoot #poison @username to inflict damage on an enemy. Using the #rain skill consumes 20 MP and the #posion skill consumes 50 MP. If successful, rain increases the amount of damage inflicted on the enemy and poison adds the poison status to the enemy. This command only works if the issuer holds a crossbow NFT. To use the poison skill, the issuer must also hold a snake NFT.


Allows the issuer to throw various items which inflict damage on an enemy, or in case of the health potion heal an ally. The command /throw @username throws a knife. 7 skills may be attached to the throw command: #poop, #lightning, #fireball, #hellfire, #bolt, #skull, and #potion may all be appended to the /throw @username command. All the skills consume some amount of MP ranging from 10 for potion up to 40 for skull.

The following statuses are activated if the command is successful: poop activates distract status for 3 turns, lightning activates the shock status for 4 turns, fireball activates the burn status for 4 turns, bolt activates the shock status for 2 turns, skull activates the fear status for 3 turns, and potion rewards the enemy with additional HP (good for powering up an ally/clan member).

Using the hellfire skill successfully adds additional damage on top of the amount awarded for the throw command. The lighting skill, if successful weakens the damage taken from the enemy.

The use of each of the throw skills require the user to hold the corresponding NFT (poop, blue bolt, fireball, blue fireball, bolt, skull, potion).

NFT’s used in conjunction with the /throw command

State Specific Commands


The /summon command along with a specific animal activates various statuses for the receiver based on the animal you summon. The command consumes between 25 and 80 MP depending on the animal.

#snake activates the poison status for 6 turns. #dog activates the bleed status for 4 turns. #black_cat activates the invisible status for 2 turns. #frog will remove up to 5 stacked poison statuses. #raven activates the distract status for 3 turns. #cat activates the distract status for 3 turns. #dragon activates the burn status for 5 turns.

The use of each of the summon commands require the user to hold the corresponding NFT (snake, dog, black cat, frog, raven, cat, dragon).

The Animal NFT’s that can be summoned during battle

Special Commands


The /enrobe command puts you in an invisible state for three attacks. After the third attack against you is issued, you are automatically decloaked. You also become decloaked if you issue an attack command. This command consumes 60 MP. To use this command you must hold the cloak NFT.


The /enrobe_weed command puts you in an invisible state for five attacks. After the fifth attack against you is issued, you are automatically decloaked. You also become decloaked if you issue an attack command. This command consumes 50 MP. To use this command you must hold the weed cloak NFT.


The /wizdouken command throws the blue fireball without using the lengthier /throw @username #hellfire. This command consumes 25 MP. To use this command you must hold the blue fireball NFT.


The /incendio command throws the fireball with using the lengthier /throw @username #fireball. If successful this command also puts the receiver in the burn state for four turns. This command consumes 30 MP. To use this command you must hold the fireball NFT.


The /morietur command instantly kills the receiver. There is a 24 hour cool down period between uses. To use this command you must hold the staff NFT.


The /death command instantly kills the receiver. There is a 12 hour cool down period between uses. To use this command you must hold the gold staff NFT.


The /revelio command removes the invisible state from the receiver. This command consumes 30 MP.


The /mutio command puts the reciever in the distracted state for five turns. This command consumes 30 MP. To use the command you must hold the wand NFT.


The /revive command changes the issuer’s HP from 0 to 100. To use the command you must hold the heart NFT.


The /meditate command adds 5 to your MP and has the chance to add 1 to 2 HP. To use the command you must hold the golden buddha NFT.

Nifty Wizards is a text-based Role Playing Game that runs on the messaging application Telegram. Learn all about it here:

