It’s a Funny Old Game (Dev Notes #2)

Dusan Mijuskovic
Nifty Football
Published in
3 min readAug 31, 2022

Welcome to our new weekly dev notes, where we update you on bug fixes and the latest developments in the Nifty Football game engine.

Nifty Football logo and ‘Dev Notes #2’
What’s new this week?

Another week has passed and our devs have been working hard (or hardly working, he-he, #dadjoke) to fix as many issues as they can. As the next batch of fixes is ready to be deployed, I bring you some of the injury-related bugs.

Players stuck in an endless injury loop

This bug has been plaguing our most prominent bug hunter, Artplusbrad. His players are mysteriously getting injured after the match is over. That would be suspicious on its own, but what really raised red flags was that they would recover, play one match, and the process would start all over again! This made their manager wonder, what are they doing in the locker room? Maybe they are celebrating too hard? Kicking walls when they lose? Or maybe even faking it? So we set up some spy cams and hired a private detective to get down to the root of the problem — and be sure we will!

An injured player keeps on playing

What a legend! I mean I don’t know what to say about this guy. Imagine one of your players gets hurt on a field, the medical staff come rushing in with stretchers, the crowd goes silent and commentators are speechless, just for him to jump up, clean dirt from his boots and continue. Well, one of our Nifty managers has such a legend in his team. Unfortunately, this is not working as intended, so our devs are working on a fix to prevent it from happening again.

Can’t change tactics

Your player is injured, you are losing, and the opponent’s team has pinned you like a hydraulic press in those ‘satisfying’ YouTube videos. A reasonable option would be to change your tactics, buckle down, play more defensively and rely on counter-attacks, but there is no ‘Change tactics’ option! Instead, a big “Exit” button is mocking you, you can almost hear it saying: “Give up, you are not going to win anyway. Just stop this agony and leave the field with your tail between your legs!” But no! You are not a coward, you won’t give up that easily, you will stay with your team come hell or high water!

As I previously mentioned, all these bugs were discovered and reported by our super-duper community on Discord. Special shout out to some of our ‘Physios of the week’: Artplusbrad, Corsicatoken, Serrao10, Rouxbarbe, Qoelet, Powlozzi and many others who really earned their title and XP! Remember, all XP earned in the Nifty Football Discord community is carried across into the game!

If want to try your skill as a manager, you can sign up for Nifty Football beta on our website — whitelisting is no longer required!

