Nifty Football post-Beta: Player vs Player

Nifty Football
Published in
7 min readApr 4, 2022

When testing is complete and scalability is mapped out, the minting of the new generation of Nifty Football NFTs will begin and with it, the chance to showcase our managerial talents on the world stage. Let’s take an early look at the first chapter of PvP Nifty Football!

Stanley Chow artwork of Nifty Football players facing up to each other
Player versus player Nifty Football — game on!

Whether or not you’re one of the lucky early users of Nifty Football that get to nurture the game through its experimental phases, when the PvP platform launches anyone will be able to enter the game and compete at an appropriate level, with no obligation to spend a single penny in order to enjoy the experience.

Players of the game in Beta will have had the opportunity to get to know their players well and earn XP in the process, meaning that when they go out there into the big wide Niftyverse they’ll have a team to be reckoned with. However, users who enter the game at this point will not necessarily be left at a disadvantage.

This is because all entry-level users, even at the PvP stage, will go through an onboarding season of 38 matches against the computer. Once onboarding is completed, manager and player NFTs will be minted and users will have the opportunity to enter tournaments.

Onboarding League

Not only does the onboarding phase give users the absolutely vital time they need to develop their squads with earned XP, it also gives them the opportunity to truly get to know their players. Each player has 30 different attributes and that’s aside from their preferred positions, age, fitness level, form and morale.

Nifty Football graphics showing player cards and the drill down page of each one
Get to know your players during the onboarding league season

The current dashboard is designed in such a way that these attributes of players are not easily comparable side by side, which means that a certain amount of time and dedication is required on the part of the user to study and get to know players’ strengths and weaknesses. You know, like in real life.

What’s more, as we saw in the previous article covering the Play-to-Earn aspect of the game, you’ll be using the XP you earn in matches to upgrade these players’ abilities, so everything is in flux.

Hopefully you’ll be in the early stages of implementing your grand masterplan for the development of your team and for that you’ll need to know each detail acutely.

The onboarding league, in which you’ll play 19 other teams both home and away, is set to schedule one game per day. When you first sign up you’ll be able to set what time of day is best for you (after all, there’s no other human opposition at this point) and you’ll also be able to change this default kick-off time to fit around your worldly commitments.

What’s important however, is that you do the work behind the scenes in between matches, such as training your players, refining your tactics and studying the opposition, as many of these tasks will also earn you XP during onboarding.

That’s not all though. A fundamental difference between PvP and the game in Beta is that now you’ll have coaches and scouts, training facilities, a treatment room, a youth academy and a stadium to think about!

The War Chest

Another useful thing you can do to fill in the time while you’re onboarding is to utilise your scouts to identify prospective signings. Once you’ve completed onboarding and your team is minted you’ll be able to add to it, should you so choose. You’ll also be able to buy XP with the $NFTF token in order to give your squad, staff and your facilities a boost.

Nifty Football graphic displaying 250 XP
Improve your team with XP earned in anticipation of being able to buy players

Remember that good quality coaches will not only have the ability to efficiently improve your players but also to accurately determine their potential. Likewise, good scouts can accurately judge the potential of other players out there.

All in all, the onboarding league is essential to turn a free team into one that has some kind of momentum behind it.

Cup Tournaments

The early competitive version of the game will take the form of knock-out tournaments, hosted, run and closely monitored by the Nifty team. Users will get to sign up and once places are filled the schedule will be published.

A Nifty Football Cup
Compete for trophies in Nifty Football PVP

It’s envisaged that any given tournament will probably progress at a rate of one match per day at a set time so that managers are present in real time. If you can’t make it to match-day, your last team selection and tactics will be utilised, but obviously you’ll have no direct influence on what happens during the match. If one of your players gets injured, the system will automatically make the most logical substitution on your behalf. However it’s not a great idea to simply leave your ‘assistant’ to take care of everything for you, as no-show managers will earn less XP than those who are present, even if they win the game.

The data from those early tournaments will be used by the team to assess and make improvements to the gameplay and begin to implement the plans for scalability. Users will quickly be ranked by level and separated by time zone.

On the successful conclusion of each tournament, new tournaments will be created with varying sizes and entry levels. During any given competition, you’ll receive XP based on your results as well as extra XP as a prize for tournament placing. In each case, the prizes on offer will be defined before sign-up begins.

All Nifty Football managers will be able to observe the cup competitions even if they’re not in them and slightly further down the line we’ll introduce the facility to organise your own private tournaments with your friends.

League Competitions

Once Nifty Football is up into third gear we’ll be seeing PvP leagues, where enthusiastic users will be able to play the game with regularity and be part of a thriving community. Again, mini-leagues may be organised between friends, but by this time managers and teams will be classified according to their level and you won’t be able to play just anyone.

It would be unfair, of course, to let strong teams pick up easy XP by organising numerous fixtures against inferior opposition, while it would cause equal frustration to be a casual player repeatedly matched up against teams they have no chance of beating.

Serious league competitions will be run by Nifty and of course, as time goes on and the community become richer there’ll be all sorts of competitions with a range of features. Time-zones permitting, there will ultimately be high-level competitions akin to the UEFA Champions League and the FIFA World Cup.

XP earned will be relative to the quality level of the competition, so serious players will get the opportunity to Play-to-Earn. Also at the top level, users will further multiply their capacity to earn XP with state of the art facilities and of course, the Niftyverse stadiums, which will also be tradable as NFTs.

The Niftyverse

One of the most important aspects of the PvP chapter of Nifty Football is of course the possibility to buy and sell. Players, scouts, coaches and stadiums will be digital assets, tradable on the Nifty marketplace but also on the open market. Already today the OG cards may be found on OpenSea at a floor price of 0.129 ETH and since the Nifty Football community was reborn (about a month ago) there’s been significant movement in the market.

Upgrade your stadium to multiply XP!

While Nifty Football is resolutely designed to offer a great gaming experience to anyone, those at the competitive end of the spectrum will be paying attention to the transfer market and will no doubt buy and sell top players in order to attain glory. Yet the value of any given NFT is defined not solely by its utility in the game; the cards are also collectible digital artworks by renowned Manchester artist Stanley Chow.

Just like real world footballers take their brands with them when they transfer between clubs, Nifty players maintain their desirability as works of art. In this way, Nifty Football replicates the real world in a wholly unexpected way!

Watch this space for further analysis of Nifty Football as the game develops and join our Discord community if you’d like to be a tester in the Beta phase.

Disclaimer: This article is not trading nor investment advice nor financial advice. I am not a financial advisor. The above article is for informational and educational purposes only. Please do your own research before making any financial decision especially purchasing or investing in any stock or digital asset.

