WTF is Wrong With Nigeria?

A Rant Not Suitable For F**king Hypocrites

Victor Asemota
BigChief’s Thoughts



People say they don’t understand me and some probably believe that I am a traitor when I say some things about Nigeria. The thing is that I love my aberration of a country dearly, and believe it or not, I fucking do. It is because of that love that I must always say the truth and hold my compatriots to a higher standard.

I can see Nigerians pissing on themselves and join in the fray but when I see others pissing on Nigerians my patriotism comes out in blazing fury. That said, there is so much potential being wasted because we sometimes behave like morons. It really gets to me.

Now that is out of the way we can address the issue at hand. What is fucking wrong with us? I have decided to ignore all decency in this post and use as much profanity as possible because it is probably the only way to shock people’s sensibilities and also show how pissed I am about how fucked up we have become.

Profanity is also necessary sometimes to shock us out of our slumber of fake politeness. When your house is burning, you don’t say nice things to anyone standing in your way and preventing you from putting out the fire.

How can almost a hundred people be killed in one day then another hundred or more little girls abducted the next day and life still continues as usual? Are we collective psychopaths?

I read an article this morning that brought all home to me and left me totally unhinged. There was a line in there that said:

“You are (a) statistical anomaly in a failed system that cannot secure the lives of its members.”

That is exactly what each Nigerian alive and living in Nigeria is right now, a statistical anomaly. The risk to your existence is so great and the odds against your survival so much that you must be a fucking superhero to have been alive till now to read this rant.

Nobody should give me the regular pray for Nigeria bullshit even though I am a religious man who believes in the power of prayer. I don’t think anyone really prays in Nigeria, they just hope.

They hope it does not happen to them and thank goodness when they hear the news and they don’t have a relative or friend involved in the latest disaster.

They hope that they will be able to go home and arrive safely in one piece without being bombed, robbed or subjected to extortion by the very people they pay taxes to protect them.

They hope that they sleep through the night without hoodlums coming to terrorize them and rape their spouse and kids. They finally hope that when they get to their place of worship by the weekend, they will not be killed along with all the people coming there to hope in fear together with them.

I think I have come to believe that we have become so corrupt and deceitful that we succeed thoroughly in deceiving ourselves about the odds against our very existence. We will wail and mourn for days when one “Big Man” is killed but we move on very quickly when hundreds of common folk are killed or abducted.

A country is made up of its people and each life counts towards the productive base that we recently have been boasting about. Each life lost is history gone, a future possibility gone, and hope gone.

I don’t bloody care about the ideologies or political motivations behind these killings; it just fucking has to STOP. It is enough already. We need to start asking the fucking hard questions instead of pussy footing around while nincompoops are squirreling away Billions and millions in cesspits and Swiss bank accounts.

Nothing I write here will ever probably be read by those who are behind all of this mayhem but there is one thing they must remember, it took one guy setting himself ablaze in Tunisia to cause the greatest turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa in recent times.

People are being pushed to the point where they will say FUCK ALL!, then rally against everything including religion. I am over 1,000 miles away and feeling that way already. It will be worse when those at the epicenter take that sentiment to a higher level.

“For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: it has no stalk; the bud shall yield no meal: if so be it yield, the strangers shall swallow it up.” — Hosea 8 : 7

Seriously, this has to all fucking stop.



Victor Asemota
BigChief’s Thoughts

I eat Nigerian Jollof and I write things. That is what I do. Chief Fanatic @ Manchester United FC.