11 Easy Low Carb Snacks for the Nightshifter

NSN Staff Writer
Night Shift Nutrition
6 min readApr 12, 2021
Pro Tip: This is not a low-carb snack… Photo by Henley Design Studio on Unsplash

When you’re in the middle of your night shift and hunger calls, popping over to the vending machine might seem like the perfect solution. However, most vending machines are full of unhealthy snacks and drinks that are high in sugar, fat, or caffeine, and eating these snacks too often can lead to you feeling sluggish, gaining weight, and struggling to stay healthy.

You can reduce the temptation to grab a snack from the vending machine by pre-packing some healthy snacks to take when you start to feel hungry at work. These snacks both filling and great for you!

Here are eleven easy snacks that you can bring to work to help avoid the poor options from vending machines and gain much-needed health benefits and nutrients:

1. 85% or higher dark chocolate/cacao

Photo by Scarlett Alt on Unsplash

While this might sound counterintuitive, eating 85% or higher dark chocolate is a lot better than buying a Snickers bar from the vending machine.

Dark chocolate has a host of nutrients that can have a positive impact on your health, and consuming this treat can be good for your overall well being:

  • Dark chocolate has smaller amounts of caffeine than coffee, which can help you get through your shift without keeping you up all night
  • Dark chocolate is high in fiber, iron, potassium, magnesium, and zinc
  • Dark chocolate has higher levels of antioxidants than many fruits
  • Dark chocolate can decrease blood pressure and lower the risk for heart disease

Find some cacao nibs or chocolate bars that have a cocoa content of 85% or higher for a snack that tastes amazing and is good for you at the same time.

2. Eggs

Eggs are a protein-rich snack, and they have many health benefits:

  • Eggs are low in calories while providing as much as 6 grams of protein
  • Eggs contain choline, which helps regulate the metabolism, promote healthy brain development, support the nervous system, and strengthen the body’s cells
  • Eggs help reduce the risk for heart disease

When you meal prep, include some hard-boiled eggs that are convenient to take to work and highly nutritious. This snack is also filling, which will help prevent you from wanting to visit the vending machine or a fast-food restaurant later.

3. Sardines or canned salmon

While sardines, canned salmon, or other fish might not be for everyone, these small treats are ripe with nutritional value.

Here are some reasons why you should consider packing these snacks before your next shift:

  • Sardines and salmon are high in Omega-3 fatty acids, which lower blood pressure and lower the risk of high blood pressure
  • Sardines and salmon are high in calcium, vitamins, and minerals like zinc, iron, and potassium
  • Sardines and salmon are high in protein

Try eating this snack right out of the can or mixing it with a healthy salad to stay full all night while reaping health benefits.

4. Kale chips

Kale is a superfood. When you eat kale chips you get the nutritional benefits of kale with the delicious crunch and taste of chips. Win-win!

  • Kale chips have a low energy density, so you can eat a lot without worrying about consuming a lot of calories
  • Kale chips are full of helpful antioxidants
  • Kale chips are high in vitamin B and vitamin K

You can buy kale chips or you can make them yourself at home without much hassle. This portable and tasty snack will help you stay full and focused throughout your shift.

5. Nuts

Photo by Sara Cervera on Unsplash

While there are some nuts that are not a great option for night shift snacking, there are some that you should consider adding to your diet: almonds, macadamia nuts, pecans, and pistachios.

Here are a few reasons why these nuts make the perfect snack to eat during your shift:

  • These types of nuts are high in fiber and protein
  • These types of nuts are full of antioxidants
  • These types of nuts can help regulate blood sugar and blood pressure
  • These nuts are high in protein and can even aid with weight loss.

For the best results, try eating these snacks raw or dry roasted.

6. Sugar-free beef jerky or sausage sticks

Beef jerky is quick and easy to eat, and it tastes delicious. What more is there to love?

Well, the countless health benefits for starters!

  • Beef jerky can have as much as 12 grams of protein per serving
  • Beef jerky is high in phosphorus, zinc, and iron
  • Beef jerky is low in calories

Try packing some sugar-free beef jerky for even more benefits without the extra sugar that can contribute to weight gain.

7. Cheese

While eating too much cheese is not a good thing, packing it as a snack can help you stay full and give you some beneficial nutrients.

  • Cheese is a good source of protein
  • Cheese is high in calcium and vitamin D, which studies show can help decrease the risk of osteoporosis
  • Cheese helps lower blood pressure
  • Cheese supports the immune system and healthy muscle development

Add some cheese to your sandwich or bring a low-fat string cheese stick or two to your next shift.

8. Seaweed

Although seaweed is probably not your first thought when you think of a snack, it tastes good, and it is healthy for you.

  • Seaweed is rich in antioxidants
  • Seaweed helps stint hunger and increase weight loss
  • Seaweed helps reduce the risk for heart disease
  • Seaweed has nutrients like iron, magnesium, and iodine, which can help support thyroid function and heart health
  • Seaweed is low in calories and high in protein

Add seaweed to a sandwich or use it as a base for a salad during your next shift.

9. Low carb protein powders or collagen powders

Bringing protein powder or collagen powder to mix into a smoothie or your oatmeal can have a positive impact on your health.

  • These powders are high in protein and will help you stay full longer
  • Collagen powder improves skin health and decreases wrinkles
  • Collagen powder supports bone, joint, and muscle health
  • Protein powder helps promote muscle mass and aids in weight loss

Add some low-carb protein powder or collagen powder to your healthy snacks, and you will start to notice a difference in your energy levels, muscle development, and skin health.

10. Raw veggies with your favorite low carb dressing

Photo by Nadine Primeau on Unsplash

One of the easiest and fastest ways to make sure that you have a healthy snack to enjoy during your shift is to pack some of your favorite raw veggies with a bit of low-carb dressing.

  • Raw vegetables are full of antioxidants and nutrients that you don’t get when the vegetables are fully cooked
  • Raw vegetables can help reduce the risk for certain cancers
  • Raw vegetables can help combat weight gain

Grab some broccoli or a bunch of baby carrots before your next night shift and enjoy the benefits!

11. Avocados

One avocado only has about 12 grams of carbohydrates, and it also has significant benefits for your body’s health.

Here are a few of the benefits of avocados:

  • Avocados have more potassium than almost any other fruit
  • Avocados have healthy fats that can reduce the risk for certain cancers and fight inflammation
  • Avocados are high in fiber

For additional health benefits, try stuffing your avocado with protein and a little low-fat cheese.

By keeping some of these snack on hand you make it easy to make good decisions that will result in a healthier, happier, life!

Night Shift Nutrition is a community focused on living your best life, while working nights. We do this by sharing our experiences and science based educations. The point is to not only survive working nights but to thrive! If this sounds like something you’d like to be a part of you can apply to join our facebook group or subscribe to our email list.

