7 ways to increase your energy in 7 minutes (or less)!

NSN Staff Writer
Night Shift Nutrition
6 min readApr 26, 2021

If you work nights, there are going to be times when fatigue feels like it is going to take over.

Maybe your shift is about to start and you just can’t seem to keep your eyes open. Maybe you’re on the last leg of your shift, but you don’t feel like you have it in you to get through the next hour without falling asleep.

Regardless of the circumstance, in these moments, you need energy, and you need it fast.

Before you down a cup of coffee or an energy drink, which will make it difficult for you to fall asleep when your shift is done, there are healthy steps you can take to improve your energy levels in mere minutes.

Here are seven ways to help boost your energy in less than seven minutes:

1. Move!

When you are starting to feel tired, a little movement will get your heart rate up and give you a slight energy boost.

Try doing air squats while you’re at your post, taking a brisk lap around the building on a break, or doing a quick set of 15 jumping jacks or burpees in your office. Even a short walk to grab a snack you packed or to refill your water bottle can help.

These small movements can be enough to increase your adrenaline and give you enough energy to make it through the rest of your shift.

2. Grab a snack

If you are fighting fatigue, eating a snack can get your brain into gear and provide energy to help you stay awake through your shift.

However, it is important to remember that the type of snack you eat will make a significant difference.

While it might seem helpful or convenient to eat a large meal or to swing through a fast-food drive-through, this can cause more harm than good. You will also likely feel more sluggish and fatigued when you eat fried foods or foods that are high in sugar.

Instead, opt to eat a healthy, protein-rich snack every couple of hours. This protein will give you the energy you need to complete your shift without being so filling that you will have trouble sleeping later.

Photo by Zineb Sakhaoui on Unsplash

Try packing some of these energy-boosting snacks:

  • Hummus
  • Almonds
  • Bananas
  • Apples
  • Protein bars made with natural ingredients
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Greek yogurt and granola

These snacks are light enough to keep you from feeling weighed down after you eat them, but filling enough to give you a bit of energy.

3. Get some light

If it is at all possible to get some sunlight, it will increase your energy and your mood, especially with a (short) brisk walk. Try taking a second to step outside so that the light can help your body stay awake.

If you are not able to get sunlight, artificial light will do. Stand near a bright light for a couple of minutes and you will feel more energetic and less fatigued.

Have you ever gone to the movies during the day only to feel surprised that it is still sunny outside when you leave? It might be the middle of the afternoon, but sitting in that dark theater messed with your sense of time and made you feel like it was later in the day or darker outside.

The opposite effect can happen when you spend time in a brightly lit room. Even if it is nighttime, your body will feel like it is morning time and light outside.

Light, whether it is from the sun or an artificial source, signals to the body that it is time to be awake. If you make sure you get some sun before your shift or that you spend time next to bright lights when you start feeling tired during your shift, the light will help you stay up.

4. Stay hydrated

Photo by Kristopher Patterson on Unsplash

Staying hydrated is another simple, yet often underestimated, way for you to stay energized. While some night shift workers feel like they can knock out two tasks with one stone by staying hydrated by drinking energy drinks, it will be better for you to opt for water instead.

While the best course of action is to drink plenty of water throughout your day, drinking water when you are tired can be beneficial. If you start to notice yourself feeling sleepy, try drinking some cold water to stay awake.

When you know you have to work the night shift, make sure you bring a reusable water bottle so you can have plenty of water throughout your shift.

5. Talk to someone

Just like having someone to talk to can help you stay awake and alert on a long drive, it can also help you combat fatigue at work.

Being able to focus on what someone else is saying and engaging in conversation can be stimulating enough to keep you wide awake and ready to work.

If you are finding that you are tired at work or that you are having a hard time staying focused, seek out a friend or colleague to talk to, preferably someone who is upbeat and positive, or start some friendly chit-chat with whoever works nearby.

6. Breathe

Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

While deep breathing and meditation might seem like they would have the opposite effect, there are breathing exercises you can do that will increase your energy, focus, and productivity.

Try this 1-minute-breathing exercise where you shift your breathing in a way that improves oxygen flow to your brain.

You can also try one of these short breathing techniques like breath counting, pursed-lip breathing, or alternate nostril breathing to increase your energy.

When you’re finished, you will not only realize that you’ve received a flood of energy, but you will also find that your focus is sharper and more clear.

7. Take a cold shower

Although taking a cold shower might not be the most pleasant option on this list, it is one of the most effective ways to fight fatigue and increase your energy levels quickly. Cold water shocks your body, releasing endorphins that will boost your mood, alertness, and energy.

You can also gain other health benefits from taking cold showers like increased metabolism, improved immune response, and better circulation.

The next time you are feeling tired or out of sorts before your shift, turn the temperature in your shower down and hop in the shower. You might be surprised how great of a difference a quick, 30-second cold shower can make.

Night Shift Nutrition is a community focused on living your best life, while working nights. We do this by sharing our experiences and science based educations. The point is to not only survive working nights but to thrive! If this sounds like something you’d like to be a part of you can apply to join our facebook group or subscribe to our email list.

