6 Tips for Quality Content

Content marketing is everywhere, but how can you make yours amazing?

Tassia O'Callaghan (she/her)
Night Sky Creative


Image courtesy of @brittaniburns via Unsplash.

It’s undeniable — content marketing is effective, as a lead generation tool and to build brand trust and loyalty with existing customers.

You’re enticing customers by showcasing your expertise, with information that they would benefit from, or enjoy, warming them up to convert to loyal customers.

Content marketing can be more efficient than ‘traditional’ marketing methods, like paid promotional activity or email marketing, because the costs involved can be significantly less, and the ROI (return on investment) of your time, and any budget that you do spend, can be more.

According to Demand Metric, content marketing costs, overall, 62% less than traditional marketing, and can generate three times as many leads.

Plus, with ad blockers, diminished attention spans due to dual (or triple, or quadruple) screens, and an overall negative opinion of advertising (even if it’s personalised), content marketing drives potential customers to you, rather than you chasing them.

So, it stands to reason that you need your content to be of high quality. After all, it’s reflecting on your brand. Here are a few handy tips on how to create quality content:



Tassia O'Callaghan (she/her)
Night Sky Creative

Writer • Marketer • Advocate for equal rights and sustainable living • Feminist • Poet • Triphalangeal thumbs • https://linktr.ee/tassia.aga