3 Reasons Women Betray Each Other

A history of violence, competitive set-up, and self-abuse

Kelsey Jean Marie
Night Vision


Photo by Jimmy Chang on Unsplash and edited by author

Right now I am thinking of Cinderella and her stepsisters (not to mention the stepmother). Let’s say for the duration of this article, at least, that no one is the bad guy or good guy, no perpetrator or victim.

The stance I take is that we are all, always, both — even if a given situation seemingly suggests otherwise.

There are infinite angles in every story, which distorts the ability to pinpoint any character in any judgment.

I personally really enjoy this way of being and am relieved of strong hankerings to feel either sorry for or ashamed of myself.

Revenge has become reverence.

I take this stance – especially in presenting three reasons women betray each other – because it is the most efficient access to liberation for everyone and this is what I want.

I want my sisters to feel free.


Against common belief, this stance — of no good or bad, no victim or perpetrator — does not actually let anyone off the hook and simply holds each and every person responsible for their own experience.



Kelsey Jean Marie
Night Vision

existential kink & emotional intelligence ~ electric embodiment ~ radical relationship ; deep communication ~ UN’FOC’D community : hallelujah anyways — - - -