Willingness to be Kinky with Your Existence

Existential Kink as an Attitude and a Practice

Kelsey Jean Marie
Night Vision


Photo by Neelam Sundaram on Unsplash edited by author

Existential kink is a willingness to be kinky with your existence — to know your being and your doing as complete with pleasure and pain of such a perfectly equal proportion that in your experience of it you can stabilize yourself — both melting into the nothingness of bliss and harnessing the charge of sensation.

Existential kink consciously plays with sensation as the charge that fuels the system — the charge that circulates, making itself known, informing the system before being expended.

The idea is to relax your system, so that you feel safe and secure enough to be with sensation — the feelings that mostly have typically been taught to you as bad wrong shameful or unlawful.

Existential kink is a rather lawless attitude that overrules symbolic authority and embraces eternal nameless authority.

You and I are no longer under the influence of tyrannical rightness and wrongness as dictated by something outside of ourselves.

Instead, we steady ourselves with practices in the finite world to access the infinite world where the only authority we need is alive and well within and has no reservation about its own capacity to serve the highest good of all beyond what rules…



Kelsey Jean Marie
Night Vision

existential kink & emotional intelligence ~ electric embodiment ~ radical relationship ; deep communication ~ UN’FOC’D community : hallelujah anyways — - - -