Can I Get That Viz in Excel Please?

The answer to this question should always be ‘Yes.’ However the question to always ask is ‘Why?’

Vanitha Lucas


Image by Esa Riutta from Pixabay

Have you ever found yourself in the following situation?

Your team has been preparing and working tireless hours to create and showcase the end product — an interactive visual dashboard. It’s a culmination of key data points brought to life; the colours, charts, shapes, and interactivity thoughtfully chosen. The real estate on the screen used strategically and content placed appropriately to guide the eyes and thought process. The storytelling to accompany the visuals rehearsed many times.

“Oh, we know too well the power this data visualization holds. It will make a difference and open their eyes to new ways of looking at data.”

No doubt the audience is in awe as the data comes to life with personality and purpose. A purpose to drive action, invoke curiosity, satisfy the insatiable thirst for more insights, ready exposure of the unknown and validation of the unspoken suspicions of gut-based decisions.

The reflection of the visuals can be seen in the glean of their eyes, their posture perks up, and senses awakened as they witness the art of the possible. The mobile devices are released from the clutches of their hands and…



Vanitha Lucas

Data and analytics philanthropist; striving to make an impact through my words, data visualization, story telling and mentoring. Living in and loving Canada!