Creating Interactive Timelines with JavaScript

A step-by-step guide to visualizing the development of COVID-19 vaccines

Shachee Swadia


Image by the author

I think all of us have come across timelines somewhere or the other; as a means of conveying chronological information, the classic timeline is unmatched, both in the depth of information conveyed and the “cool” factor, when done with a deft creative touch. So, with that said, would you like to learn how to build a timeline chart using JavaScript that both looks great and is simple to create? (Of course, you do!) Follow along with me as I take you through the step-by-step breakdown for developing your own JS timeline with a practical example.

As the world continues to battle with COVID-19, the long-awaited good news is the development of vaccines across the globe. Here, I decided to build an interactive timeline that showcases the phases of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine development in the United States. To add more contextual information, I also wanted to show approvals from other countries and some related facts, including the dates for the development of the 3 other vaccines approved for usage in the US. Ultimately, this is what the finished product turns out as:



Shachee Swadia

Visualizer. Writer. Coder. Hopeful humanist. Hopeless optimist. Happy soul.