Data Visualization for Audiences in Low & Middle-Income Countries

Tricia Aung
Published in
9 min readJul 11, 2019


Epidemiological data comparisons of Zika, Dengue, and Chikungunya in Danli, Honduras. © 2017 Brendan Bannon/USAID, Courtesy of Photoshare

On a dedicated channel, #dvs-topics-in-data-viz, in the Data Visualization Society Slack, our members discuss questions and issues pertinent to the field of data visualization. Discussion topics rotate every two weeks, and while subjects vary, each one challenges our members to think deeply and holistically about questions that affect the field of data visualization. At the end of each discussion, the moderator recaps some of the insights and observations in a post on Nightingale. You can find all of the other discussions here.

Every couple weeks, the Data Visualization Society (DVS) Slack hosts an in-depth discussion on data visualization issues. An inviting space for collective amens and groans, members have ruminated on important topics like the biggest data visualization issues, how to get started in data visualization, experiences learning data visualization, data literacy, and creating positive data visualization cultures within organizations. Receiving validation that one’s experiences aren’t exclusive can make these discussions feel like a warm hug, while learning via our divergent experiences can be illuminating as well.

While many of the challenges that arise in these discussions are applicable to data visualization for target audiences in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). There are also…



Tricia Aung

Researcher/Faculty Member at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health