Double Complements for a Visualization

Exploring a tetrad color harmony with and Viz Palette

Theresa-Marie Rhyne


In this writing, I discuss how to create a Tetrad Color Harmony with the freely accessible color scheme design tool called The resulting color theme is then applied to a bar chart visualization. Visually, the Tetrad Color Harmony uses four colors that form a rectangle on the Color Wheel. I will then show how to use Viz Palette to quickly assess how the selected color scheme might appear with other information visualization examples. The similarities between a tetrad color theme shown under the Mondrianish display and a Viz Palette Treemap simulation are also featured.

Both — the Color Scheme Designer and Viz Palette are freely accessible online tools for your continued use. Let’s begin the discussion here by exploring how supports Color Harmony.

Color Harmony

Color Harmony is the process of choosing colors that work well together in the composition of an image. Similar…



Theresa-Marie Rhyne

Theresa-Marie Rhyne is a color expert. Her book on “Applying Color Theory to Digital Media and Visualization” was published by CRC Press in 2016.