Five Free Data Visualization Tools for Beginners

No intensive coding required

Mala Deep


Visualizations from Tableau Public, Flourish, Infogram, Datawrapper, and Google Data Studio.
Visualizations from Tableau Public, Flourish, Infogram, Datawrapper, and Google Data Studio. Credit:Respective Authors.

We have used data visualization in some way or other since time immemorial, from early cave paintings to today’s advanced information dashboards. The human eye is drawn to colors and patterns. Our brains crave visual information. In fact, according to MIT, “90% of the information transmitted to our brains is visual.”

Two years ago, I began to recognize the value of isolating insights and driving understanding by developing my visualization skills. But, when I looked at sophisticated vizzes like the ones above, I was worried that I needed to learn extensive coding and obtain training on premium dataviz tools. Instead, I discovered five free tools useful regardless of your coding prowess.

In this article, I review those five free tools by creating a viz in each one using same dataset: Number of Livestock Species of Karnali, Nepal taken from the Ministry of Livestock Development, Organizations on Open Data Nepal.

1. Tableau Public

Tableau Public
Screenshot from the Tableau Public website.

Tableau is one of the world’s leading analytics platforms. Tableau Public is a popular visualization…



Mala Deep

Top 1500 Writer in Data Science & Visualization. Also talks about HCI & Design Psychology