Intricate & Visually Exciting: An Interview with Nadieh Bremer

A look into her recent projects and design process

Noëlle Rakotondravony


Nadieh Bremer is an award-winning data visualization designer and artist, from a small town near Amsterdam. Nadieh’s projects demonstrate the beauty, fun, and excitement of working in dataviz. A few weeks ago, Nadieh shared with us a behind-the-scenes of her latest work as well as some of her best practices and inspirations. NB is Nadieh Bremer, NR is Noëlle Rakotondravony (DVS), JF is Jason Forrest (DVS)

Nadieh Bremer, photo by Karolina Szczur taken at CCSConfAU 2016

JF: Why don’t we get started with a quick introduction for our readers.

NB: I’m Nadieh; I graduated in Astronomy, then became a data scientist. When I was doing analytics and machine learning, I figured out that I really like data visualization. So I jumped in, trying to learn as much about dataviz as possible, reading books, learning D3.js, and best practices by making lots of personal projects.

I started out as a data scientist at Deloitte, but after about 4 years I switched to Adyen, where I was mostly designing and creating d3-based dashboards. But that wasn’t quite the dataviz I like, so I became a freelancer to focus a lot more on the creative side of dataviz.

NR: As a dataviz freelancer, what has been the coolest thing you experienced? What was

