Sponsor Outlier!

Mollie Pettit
Published in
2 min readOct 22, 2020

Does your organization value data visualization? Please consider sharing this message with them! ❤

The Data Visualization Society — a professional organization with over 16,000 members — will be hosting our first annual virtual conference: Outlier. We have been thinking a lot about what our ideal virtual conference would look like and we’re super excited to bring this vision to fruition!

Why Support Outlier?

This is an opportunity to make something both great and different. Something that reflects and celebrates the diverse, global data visualization community. It is difficult to create an online event that provides not only inspirational talks, but also the ability to connect with others in a way that feels natural. The fact that this is a hard problem to tackle is why we find it so exciting.

Outlier will assemble attendees from the data visualization industry to connect, learn, and inspire one another by showcasing ingenuity from a diverse lineup of speakers, a variety of ways to meet and connect with others, and the opportunity for all attendees to host breakout sessions. An online conference means that more of the Data Visualization Society’s membership, from across the world, can attend. Bonus — it enormously reduces the event’s environmental impact.

Outlier also has a strong focus on diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. The conference aims to reflect and celebrate the global visualization community by featuring speakers from around the globe, spanning all time zones, and supporting talks given in multiple languages. We also aim to unite and highlight practitioners of varying backgrounds, toolings, and experience levels through talks and hosted sessions. We are working hard to create an environment where each person in attendance will feel included, represented, and heard.

How to Get Involved

Support us with a sponsorship! Sponsoring Outlier would highlight your company to some of the best data visualization designers and developers. You can see all of our sponsorship offerings here, as well as more details about the conference.

You are also invited to share the call for speakers application with data visualization practitioners at your company. We do ask you to keep in mind that speaking opportunities should be viewed differently than sponsorship opportunities, and should not include promotional materials for your company. It is, however, a great way for your employees to build out their network, show off their skills, and help the next generation of data visualization professionals by sharing their knowledge. The deadline to apply is December 1st, 2020.

Find out more:

Website, Twitter, Instagram, Introducing Outlier Article

We hope you join us!

