The Blues of Color Harmony

Using Adobe Color and Viz Palette to colorize your data visualizations

Theresa-Marie Rhyne


Blue Monochromatic Color Scheme with Pie Chart.

As noted previously in “Colorizing a Visualization,” Color Harmony is the process of choosing colors on a Color Wheel that work well together in the composition of an image. Similar to concepts in music, these harmonies are based around color cords on the Color Wheel that help to provide common guidelines for how color hues will work together. In the rich history of Color Theory, Stanton Macdonald-Wright and Morgan Russell defined a concept called “Synchromism” based on the notion that color has similarities to music. Synchromism is meant to be defined as “with color” as Symphony means “with sound.” The artists also defined scales and color harmony in terms of this concept.

Synchromism: the notion that Color has similarities to Music with its own scales and harmony.
Synchromism: the notion that Color has similarities to Music with its own scales and harmony.

In this writeup, their terminology is used to discuss the “Blues of Color Harmony” where a monochromatic color harmony is built in the key of Blue. Adobe Color, a web-based app for creating color themes, is used to build the color harmony that is applied to a pie chart example. Next, the Blue monochromatic Color Harmony (Blue Mono) is transferred into the Viz Palette tool to view how other types of information…



Theresa-Marie Rhyne

Theresa-Marie Rhyne is a color expert. Her book on “Applying Color Theory to Digital Media and Visualization” was published by CRC Press in 2016.