DVS Fireside Chat: Sketching in Data Visualization

Why you should incorporate sketching into your data viz process—and how to get started

Data Visualization Society Team
2 min readJul 24, 2020


While many of us are working from home, self-isolating, or social distancing, the Data Visualization Society planned a series of online conversational sessions, or Fireside Chats, with professionals from our community on topics that are interesting and important for the data viz community. Each session features a panel of people answering questions from participants in a Zoom webinar format and will be posted to Nightingale over the coming days.

Sketching is a useful method for visualizing information. It can lend a visualization more humanity, feel more accessible to viewers, and helps move beyond the tool “default.” On top of that, sketching can ignite a creators’ creativity and bring practitioners closer to the data.

In this DVS Fireside Chat, our panelists discuss sketching as a form of visualization, how they incorporate it into their own practice, and offer tips and advice on getting started with sketching.

Panelists include:

Katherine Haugh—Senior Advisor on Organizational Learning at the Global Knowledge Initiative
Rasagy Sharma—Principal Information Designer, Gramener
Duncan Geere—Freelance information designer

Moderated by Amy Cesal

For more information, check out the communal chat notes and read Ripley Cleghorn on why you should close the computer for your next visualization.

For more DVSFireside chats, subscribe to the DVS YouTube channel here.

