What Are You Going to Write About for Nightingale?

The Journal of the Data Visualization Society is open for submissions

Isaac Levy-Rubinett


If you read Nightingale, you’ve surely seen one of our posts calling for submissions. If your eyes normally glaze over because you don’t fashion yourself a “writer,” then you’re selling yourself short. If you skim past because you don’t think you’re a “real” data viz practitioner yet, you’re similarly holding yourself back.

We are here to dispel the misconceptions about writing for Nightingale and answer some of the questions most commonly asked by our contributors. We are committed to reflecting, celebrating, and cultivating the breadth and diversity of data visualization, which means there’s room for all kinds of new ideas, approaches, and writers!

“But I’m not a writer.”

We’ve published 84 (!) writers so far on Nightingale. While many of them are established and professional authors, just as many published their work for the first time on Nightingale. Much like improving your visualization skills, the best way to grow as a writer is to practice. Nightingale is a great way to build up your experience writing, and our talented and friendly editorial staff aim to help writers craft the best story possible. Some writers have published up to eight times…

