What to Read, Watch, and Listen to During Social Distancing

Nightingale’s recommendations for data-visualization-related books, TV shows, and podcasts to get you through quarantine

Isaac Levy-Rubinett


The safest and most helpful thing we can do to limit the spread of COVID-19 is stay home and social-distance. Days in quarantine can feel long and lonely, so Nightingale has put together a list of some of our favorite data-visualization-related TV shows, books, podcasts, and more to help pass the time.

Cover of Visions 2 (website)

Visions Magazine

I mean, not everything is dataviz, and sometimes you just want to read about some post-apocalyptic scenarios where humanity is ravaged by forces out of their control. Enter Visions, a wonderfully curated “magazine” (in book form) of science fiction stories from past and present. It has a decidedly “AI” focus, with some generative responses to the stories peppered through the issues. Issue 2 features the story “1001Time Equivalent Units,” set in a “utopian, post-scarcity, nearly mathematically optimal society” as a sort of algorithmically inspired interpretation of “1001 Nights” with quite the twist ending.

The stories are very enjoyable and a bit artsier than your traditional approach to sci-fi. For example, a very normal person from today finds…

