Why do we love data-driven badges?

Or how I painted Easter Eggs for the Data Visualization Society

Elijah Meeks


The Data Visualization Society (DVS) has been around for three months and already has over 5000 members. One of the features of the organization is that each member is given a data-driven badge based on their responses to a survey gauging their proficiency in aspects of data visualization grouped into broad categories of DATA (such as data processing), VISUALIZATION (such as design) and SOCIETY (such as project management). People really responded positively to these badges — posting them on social media and using them as avatars. And as far as information encoding goes, they do a pretty good job, as Amy Cesal explains here.

Each of these badges represents a member and maps their responses across three categories (each triangle represents one of those categories). You get your badge as part of an update email and one of these updates happened to fall on Easter weekend, so I thought I’d go with a sillier take on it: I decided I was going to make a data-driven badge in the form of an Easter Egg.



Elijah Meeks

Principal Engineer at Confluent. Formerly Noteable, Apple, Netflix, Stanford. Wrote D3.js in Action, Semiotic. Data Visualization Society Board Member.