Under the Moonlit

Finding Refuge in Stillness

Waqas Ahmad
Jun 13, 2024


For in the quietude of darkness, the soul truly awakens.

Photo by Kyle Johnson on Unsplash

We all experience night, a time of stillness and reflection. This poem, “Under the Moonlit,” explores the universal allure of the nighttime. It delves into the sense of peace and wonder that darkness can bring, a time when worries seem to soften and the world takes on a magical quality.

This night has my heart,
a velvet cloak of darkness
wrapping me close.

The moon, a luminescent coin,
spills silver across the rooftops,
painting shadows that dance
like silent spirits on the walls.

The wind whispers secrets
through the rustling leaves,
a symphony of hushed voices
carrying me away.

This night, a canvas of inky blue,
holds my worries in its embrace,
whispers promises of solace,
and paints dreams on my soul.

This night has my heart,
and I am free.

