On His Right and Left

Dr. David Packer
Published in
2 min readMar 19, 2015

“What is it you want?” he asked. She said, “Grant that one of these two sons of mine may sit at your right and the other at your left in your kingdom.”

“You don’t know what you are asking,” Jesus said to them.

Matthew 20:21–22

On Jesus’ left and right were crucified criminals.

James’ and John’s mother’s request was a display of her faith in Christ — she believed He would come into His kingdom — but she was ignorant of the process that would take place in order for Him to gain the worship and devotion of transformed humans. The cross must always come before the crown in God’s economy. The cross of self-denial and crucifixion is always the first thing that we must embrace if we will be of use to God.

The one who in selfish ambition fights for his reputation and his rights first, to the neglect of every ethic and moral consideration, will inevitably find himself empty and joyless. It is the one who gives himself for others — especially the one who gives up his rights for the glory of God and the purpose of Christ — that finds fulfillment and joy that the purely selfish person never gains. Paul wrote that he was willing to spend and be spent for the sake of the purpose of God, and that purpose was expressed in the spiritual advancement of common people.

As long as there appears to be some earthly glory in the service of Christ we will misunderstand Christianity. As long as we are attracted most to being first, to being prominent, to being noticed and respected, then we will have a distinct element of selfishness in our service. If we can have in our minds, however, and in our hearts the glory of Christ, the spiritual advancement of our brothers and sisters, the salvation of the lost, and the doing of God’s will, we will know an inner fulfillment of heart from God and an effectiveness in service that He alone can bestow.

James and John did go on to sacrificial service for Christ. James was the first apostle to die for his faith, and John was the last to pass away, so they bracketed the apostolic deaths. Whether the path God has chosen for us is to be long on this earth or brief, it is up to Him. But the ones who are closest to Him have embraced the spirit of sacrifice for Him, giving their lives for the spiritual advancement of God’s kingdom. This is done in simple ways, of praying for simple people, of being concerned for their needs, of compassionately reaching out, of demonstrating patience and helping people grasp the love of God for them.

To Baruch God said, “Should you then seek great things for yourself? Do not seek them” (Jer. 45:5). Seek great things for God. Be concerned about the spiritual and social advancement of others. And you will find joy and fulfillment, as well as usefulness to the Lord.



Dr. David Packer

Dr. David Packer is pastor of an English-speaking church in Stuttgart, Germany, (www.ibcstuttgart.de) and has been in overseas ministry for 31 years.