Reach for the stars

Introducing Quick Review: creative feedback that’s easier than email.

Chris Armstrong
Niice Blog
2 min readAug 30, 2016


Feedback is an essential part of the creative process, but too often it becomes a bottleneck. One of our goals at Niice is to streamline the process of asking for & giving feedback so you can always get the right input from the right people at the right time.

Our new Quick Review feature is a first step.

How it works

You can now email a board to someone for review, even if they don’t have a Niice account. Just click on the ‘share’ icon in the top right of your board, and you’ll see the new share options.

It’s just like sending an email… but simpler.

When you hit send, they’ll receive an email that looks just like you sent it from your mail client, and when they open the attached board they can scroll & tap to star items.

You’ll also get a notification when they open the board, so you don’t need
to pester them to check if they’ve seen it. You can watch them star items
in real-time or view a summary later on, and if you send it to multiple reviewers Niice will automatically tally the stars and show you the
most popular.

When you just need a yes or no, why complicate it?

Let us know what you think in the comments below, say hi on Twitter, or fire us an email! is a place to gather, share & discuss ideas with your team. Sign up for free



Chris Armstrong
Niice Blog

30. 5' 6". Don’t know what I’m talking about. Currently making up @NiiceApp.